The Top 25 Songs on My iPod: APRIL 2010

May 01, 2010 11:12

Oh yay! Spring is here finally!!  That makes me happy! :D
I decided this time I'll write a little something about each track and why I like it so damn much.

8 new tracks made it into the list this month while a bunch of Layton tracks climbed up several spots. Now 8 out of the top 10 is Layton music. Ho ho ho!

Again, please don't ask me for the full albums, if you look hard enough on the internet you can find them. But it'd be best if you actually bought them instead. I like to buy my most of my Japanese CDs from cdjapan. :D

 Down Under Men at Work download 
 Come on! Who can resist the awesome Australianess of this song!? XD  I have no idea when or where I first heard it but I've always loved this song for as long as I can remember. <3
 Lie-Lie-Lie DJ OZMA download 
 This is the ending theme song for the first NARUTO Shippuuden movie (which I still haven't seen yet!)  I don't know if it fits with the feel of the movie or not but to me it just doesn't fit with the image of Naruto at all, lol! XD  It totally sounds like it belongs to something else.  It's got a quick pace and is pretty catchy.
 [Nazo 3]
 Puzzles 3 西浦智仁
 Nishiura Tomohito download
 Of all the puzzle themes in the Professor Layton series, this one was my favorite ....until the fourth game was released. Now it's sort of a tie between Puzzles 3 & Puzzles 5....  I like how mysterious this one sounds with a hint of suspicion and danger. I think it definitely catches the overall feel of the game.  Puzzles 4 is exactly the same melody but with a faster tempo and a greater sense of danger for the critical puzzles.
 [Ugokidashita Machi ]
 The Village Awakens  西浦智仁
 Nishiura Tomohito download 
 This was one of my favorite tracks in The Curious Village. I like the quick pace giving the feel that serious stuff is happening or about to happen. If I remember correctly this was used as you approached the end of the game.
 [Kimi ni, Mune Kyun. -Uwakina Vakansu-]
 My Heart Beats for You. -Naughty Vacation- 安藤裕子
 Andou Yuuko download
 This is a cover of the song released in 1983 by YMO. You can watch the PV of the original here. It's really cheesy, lol. XD  But this is a really catchy song and has been covered numerous times.

Layton on the cover + "Naughty Vacation" = oh, so many possibilities... XD
 ALICE [Alice's Theme] Yoshitaka Hirota download 
 This one is from the Shadow Hearts soundtrack.  It is my #1 favorite track from the game that apparently no one has played... *cries*  Alice's theme is very simple but beautiful and extremely tragic.  Poor Alice!! ;_;
 Reset Generation Kid Malicious OC ReMix Rayza  download
 I've never heard of this game but I download EVERYTHING on OCRemix and listen to them anyway.  And this is really awesome!  I wish I could hear the original this is based off of... Every time I try to download the free soundtrack my computer crashes. TT^TT  Holy ass! It worked this time!! :D Anyway, Rayza has some other really awesome mixes you should check out! :D
 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
 BramblesInTheBreeze OC ReMix Protricity download
 OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!!! THIS!  I LOVE the original from the SNES but THIS MIX is pure awesome!!  It's like the original but super upgraded without the loss of the original feel.
 LOVE TOGETHER ~Parappa Rappa MIX~ NONA REEVES download
 In Japan there was a Parappa the Rappa anime.  Unfortunately the target audience for it was really really young children (we're talking 1st ~ 3rd grade) totally ignoring the very large number of high school and college-aged fans of the series. >:(  This song is the first opening theme song.  I love the disco feel to this, it really fits in with Parappa.
 All That I Needed (Was You) Jeremy Budd download
 I have not played Mother so I don't know the context of the lyrics but I adore this song. It's really sweet. :3  This album has a few nice songs that may show up in the future.
 [Byakkoya no Musume]
 The Girl in Byakkoya - White Tiger Field 平沢進
 Hirasawa Susumu download
 Ah, Paprika.  I think it might be my all-time favorite anime movie. (Sorry Miyazaki...)  It's so bizarre and insane. The blurring between reality and dreams. It's just really awesome. I'd recommend that everyone see it (as well as Kon Satoshi's other films), but I know that this (and the others) is not a film for everyone.  This song is the ending theme and I LOVE it. I watched the credits 4 more times after seeing the movie the first time just to listen to this song again and again.  I've read the weird parts are Vietnamese, I thought it was Japanese backwards but when I played it backwards those parts still didn't make any sense to me, lol.
 [Saigo no Jikan Ryokou no Teema]
 The Last Time Travel Theme レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 I love the theme to this game. Oh god, the violins!! I love violins.  If I remember correctly, this track was used twice in the game... of course everyone knows it from the trailer.  I'm not certain because I'm not musically trained or anything but I think I hear bits of Professor Layton's Theme sprinkled in this. (@ 1:43 in particular.) Can someone with more musical abilities confirm this for me?
 Hey Sandy Polaris download 
 Remember The Adventures of Pete & Pete on Nickelodeon...? (Ah, back when they had good shows.)  Remember the kick-ass opening theme song?  Remember the epic guitar solo at 1:31!?  Hell yeah!!! 8D
(I have this track set to start at 0:27.3, skipping the really boring intro.) 
 ~THEME OF SILVER THE HEDGEHOG~ Lee Brotherton download
 I have not played this game and I do not plan to... ever.  I heard that Silver the Hedgehog sucks (even though he can travel through time!!!)  But this song really kicks ass it's probably the ONLY good thing from this game.
 [Nazo 5]
 Puzzles 5 西浦智仁
 Nishiura Tomohito download
 This is the main puzzle theme from the fourth Professor Layton game. It's tied as my favorite with the one from the third game mentioned earlier in this list.  I love how relaxed and flowy it is, beautiful with a hint of mystery.  It conjures up images of a small creek at night under the starry sky.
 [Akuma no Hako no Teema ]
 Theme of Diabolical Box  レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 Wow! I'm surprised how high on the list this track is.  I honestly don't remember hearing it all that much but it is a really awesome track.  I love when it picks up at 0:41. It has an appropriate sense of motion for all the traveling that occurred during the game. Parts of this (0:59) reminds me of Rush's Theme from Dark Chronicle, another game by Level-5 where the OST was composed by Nishiura Tomohito.
 Happy Birthday 杏子
 KYOKO download 
 This was the ending theme song to the very first Detective Conan movie many years ago (I think they're now on the 14th.) For some reason this song is not included on any of the compilation CDs... :(  I'm not sure why I like this one so much.
 [Yoru no Tobari ]
 The Veil of Night  レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 This probably the sexiest track in the Professor Layton series.  The best part is 4:40 to the end.  I.. uh... like to read dirty fanfics with this playing in the background... u////u  Um, yeah.... *runs away*
 Volver a Comenzar Café Tacuba download
 I want to play this soo much but I don't own it yet and my brother has the PS3 so I wouldn't be able to play it anyway... ;_; (The Sackboys are sooooooo cute!!!! <3 <3)  This song is in Spanish (I think) and I have no idea what they're singing about but I don't care because the melody kicks much assage and the song is long. (Almost 8 minutes! :D)
 [Majin no Fue no Teema]
 The Devil's Flute Theme レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 I love the jazzy feel in the beginning of this track.  It combines the awesome violins I love from the Last Time Travel's theme and that sense of motion I like from the Diabolical Box's theme. This is definitely traveling music here. Very epic and awesome! The full version of this was not present in the game, only a little less than the first half of it.
 [Rondon 3 ]
 London 3  レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 A lot of the game is spent listening to this piece. (The DS version not the Live Version.)  It's so depressing and tragic sounding and at the same time very beautiful. The last minute is the best part. I love it so much! <3  I wish this was longer than 3 minutes... ;_;
 ナゾナンバー001 ~謎3
 [Nazo Nabaa 001 ~Nazo 3]
 Puzzle Number 001 ~Puzzles 3 西浦智仁
 Nishiura Tomohito download
 I was so sad that the OST to the Last Time Travel didn't have a live version of Puzzles 3...  So I was thrilled that they did it for the movie! :D  It's a little slower than the original, but I still love it.  You can totally tell what the answer to the puzzle is just listening to this, lol.
 [Densetsu no Rakuen]
 The Legendary Paradise 西浦智仁
 Nishiura Tomohito download
 THIS is hands down the most beautiful track in the entire series and the most tragic.  It doesn't help that I listened to this the whole time I was reading maskalade's  Layton fanfic Pocketwatches and Duct-Tape... God, I cried so hard. TT_TT
 [Jikan Ryokou]
 Time Travel アン・サリー
 Ann Sally download
 This is the ending theme song for The Last Time Travel (in case it wasn't obvious.)  It probably won't be in the English version which is a shame because I think it's the best song in the series. They'll probably use the piano version instead which is also lovely but it's not the SONG.  This song makes me really sad because.... well... the ending. ;_;
 [Reiton Kyouju no Teema ]
 Professor Layton's Theme  レイトングランドキャラバンオーケストラ
 Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra download
 Do I really need to say how EPIC and AWESOME and WONDERFULLY ORGASMIC this one is!?  It's Professor Fucking Layton's theme!!! Played with live instruments!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!! 8D

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music: ipod, music: top 25

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