When I moved house I used a shipping company. They rent out containers from 1m3 upwards. Together with my friend we ended up at a little above that. That great thing is that they come to your house and pick everything up (it should be boxed at that point tough). Back home you pick it up at their distributor.
In my case, since I can't really take back any major electronics, and since I don't have enough other stuff to take back, it was far far cheaper to ship everything by myself. As for getting rid of stuff... I'm definitely having a company take away the bigger stuff, but I want to save money, so I'm trying to calculate what to have them take away versus what can I get to the curb for trash pickup by myself... it's complicated. lol!
I have no problem with moving, but it's the idea of A) moving OVERSEAS and B) moving when you're not actually taking half of your stuff that's getting to me. Le sigh!
No matter where or with how much you're moving, it's still never fun. lol Still, I found out that the guy moving in after me wants to take some of my furniture, so I'm resisting the urge to start shouting, "Take EVERYTHING!!" at him. I'll probably still try to sneak stuff in. "No, no, that basket was ALWAYS there, came with the house, yeah..."
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