Title: Bring me to life Chapter: 24 Authors: Gilraen / Megiliel Rating: Nc-17 Pairings: Faramir/Ofc/Boromir Warnings&Disclaimer: Read the previous chapters. I don't own Tolkien's characters.
Aww I always love Boromir, but I just can't stand him if he's too sappy.Some writers just mistreat him and I'd kill them... *growls*
oh yeah, i totally agree...boromir needs to still be manly, and a little short-tempered...it's his thing. you did a good job though. i'm quite happy with boromir in this story :)
Comments 3
i like the part where boromir gives his little brother a talking to, very nicely done. I like my boromir a little angry :)
Faramir is so insecure, he doesn't want to ruin his brother's life, and he's hurt because he feels guilty as he's in love with Kreshen.
Aww I always love Boromir, but I just can't stand him if he's too sappy.Some writers just mistreat him and I'd kill them...
oh yeah, i totally agree...boromir needs to still be manly, and a little short-tempered...it's his thing. you did a good job though. i'm quite happy with boromir in this story :)
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