Title: (help me) take off the mask Pairing(s): Junmyeon/Jongdae Rating: PG-15 Word Count: 3,122 Warnings: minor character death Summary: There is a difference between Kim Junmyeon and Suho.
Uuuuggggghhhhhh this was SO GOOD!!! I love how Joonmyun had two sides to him, and that really just fit perfectly w/ how joonmyun is in general? like he has his fun side but he also has a serious side? and altho he didn't have much of a "fun" side here, the difference between personalities was really nice!!! And i liked how his softer side only came out when it concerned jongdae huhu so cute.
The chinguline dynamic here was the best and i'm glad baek didnt die for opening up about the mafia thing on jongdae. Huhuhu im sad that jongdae got replaced as a secretary but i hope him coming back in the end means more for suchen.
Thanks for writing this!!! This was really such an enjoyable read ❤️
(also side note; i miss you!!! hope you're doing fine and well ;~;)
Comments 1
The chinguline dynamic here was the best and i'm glad baek didnt die for opening up about the mafia thing on jongdae. Huhuhu im sad that jongdae got replaced as a secretary but i hope him coming back in the end means more for suchen.
Thanks for writing this!!! This was really such an enjoyable read ❤️
(also side note; i miss you!!! hope you're doing fine and well ;~;)
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