sMind Spark's Gaga Challenge 2011
Your friendly neighborhood moderator is gaga for Lady Gaga, thus this challenge. Born This Way is filled with lyrics full of discovery and self-acceptance, and so lyrics will be used a prompts. That does NOT mean, however, that your stories have to be positive. In fact, as is tradition here, the darker, the better! Because the word limit for this challenge is an EXACT 333 words, please place all posts behind an LJ-cut.
*Please note that this is NOT a Lady Gaga fan fiction challenge. Original work only, please.
Challenge Guidelines
1. Writers are asked to choose one prompt from the table behind the cut. Once a prompt is claimed, the writer will be noted on the table. Each prompt can only be claimed by one author. To claim a prompt, simply respond to this post.
2. A 333-word 'drabble' (exactly 333 words) will be written incorporating the writer's prompt. No fan fiction, please.
3. Please post with the words "Gaga Challenge 2011" in the subject line and the prompt at the top of the story.
4. Once a story is posted, a writer may claim another prompt. Additional tables will be posted pending demand.
5. Stories are due by midnight, June 30, 2011.
Have fun!
Choose one of the following; feel free to change the verb tense (if it contains a verb) or the pronouns to fit your particular needs.
Table 1:
1. in the religion of the insecure
sc010f 2. wedding bells in the attic
lynelucas28 3. Judas is the demon I cling to
myownmuggle 4. You taste like whisky when you kiss me.
laceymoibella 5. unicorn on her lonely run
gelsey 6. to kill the king upon his throne
booknerdguru 7. throw on some leather and cruise
laudomia 8. I wish I could be strong
myownmuggle 9. put on amen fashion
booknerdguru 10. ready for their stones
myownmuggle 11. I’ll flood your pain
booknerdguru 12. a full house of leather
patricia_writes Table 2:
1. three men I've served my whole life
2. with a guitar hummin' and no class
3. won't poke holes in the seat with my heals
4. give yourself prudence
5. my religion is you
6. seeing all the signs from above
gelsey 7. in the corner of my bar with your high heels on
8. my lipstick on your face
booknerdguru 9. my search is over
10. forgive him before he's dead
11. style your passion
12. in the glass of her boudoir