
May 06, 2011 19:39

Title: Lovekiller.
Pairing: G-Dragon/T.O.P (GTop)
Genre: Au, angst, drama
Fandom: Big Bang
Rating: R
Warning(s): Character death
Wordcount: 394
Type of fic: Drabble
Chapter(s): -
Author's Note: This is one of my earliest works actually, second fic I ever wrote to be exact. It's only a drabble, though. Rated r for copious amounts of blood.

This is wrong. This is a dream, it can’t be happening! Why, why, WHY?!
The body lay before him, his beautiful dyed-white hair covered in blood. His heart is no longer beating in his chest, his lips are no longer teasing him, or uttering jokes, just like they had done only minutes ago. Or was it hours?
He’s gone. Forever. And it was all Jiyong’s fault.
The blood that had been sprayed and splashed in his face slowly dripped down on his lap, making it look like he was crying blood.
He didn‘t know why, and barely understood he was the guilty one. The only thing that mattered was that he was staring at the corpse.
One minute Seunghyun had leaned in to kiss him, the next he was lying on the kitchen floor, the red liquid flowing from his very-obvious flesh-wounds.
This is wrong. This is a dream, this is not real.
Did he really do that? Did Kwon Jiyong really kill his one and only love, Choi Seunghyun?
The answer is one fucking painful yes.
Real tears started to flow, and a horrible scream rose from his throat. He screamed until his voice cracked, until he was coughing and spitting blood.
Until he was covered in Seunghyun’s blood, holding the now colder-than-normal body in his arms, crying, screaming. When he had come to the point to where he could no longer scream, to the point where he could no longer feel anything, no pain, no sorrow. Just… nothing.
The bloody knife was lying beside him, and with empty eyes he looked at it.
His hand was shaking as he reached for it, not feeling any pain as he brushed the edge the skin on his forearm, seeing the blood drip, mixing with Seunghyun’s.
He let the edge touch his body, creating wounds, making blood flow, painting the floor red.
He got paler and paler the more he cut, but he didn’t notice. He didn’t notice anything at all until he slumped over Seunghyun’s body, closing his eyes, breathing heavily.
It didn’t take long, before he could se a silhouette in the blackness, which gradually turned into whiteness.
And there he was, Seunghyun was smiling at him, laughing.
“Stupid Ji, what are you waiting for? Get your ass over here! We are going to have one hell of a ride for eternity.”

genre: angst, fandom: big bang, warning: character death, pairing: gdragon/top, member: top, rating: r, genre: au, genre: drama, member: gdragon, fic type: drabble

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