Ugh. Falling asleep on the desk is not my idea of a good time. I'm gonna keep this short, lest I reveal more spoilers than I actually intend. If things are too unclear or irritatingly vague, I'll expand upon request.
Breif outline of untitled story, and character synopsis enclosed. Opinions and critique strongly encouraged! )
Comments 4
Tis fantastic.:)
All I have to say is keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to reading it since I've never encountered a Military shoujo.
The closest thing to that is Gundam seed, and GOD KNOWS that's not it. LOL
If you need any ideas to spin off, or to disguss, always feel free to talk to me.>X3
I really like some of your characters, like DeSentos, Rory, Jillian,Charland,and Arthur mainly because I can already picture how they would carry themselves.:D
And GOD, I must finish those drawings.>X3
Namely, the battle you mention at the end seems to come out of nowhere. I think the best strategy is simply not to put very much focus on a warlike atmosphere, and try and portray a battle not as a "good guys versus bad guys" kind of ordeal, but emphasize how such an event would shatter all of the relationships that have developed within an organization designed for battle, but devoid of it. It should be a big, wet slap of reality rather than something "epic".
Also, on something like this don't waste too much time on exposition explaining how technology has developed. It's usually a lot better if you just mention various conventions and let people piece together things about technology or the political atmosphere themselves.
I like that "shattering" idea, though. Thanks. ^__^
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