OOC: Profile Meme

Jan 18, 2009 22:32

[Character Name] Mao
[Canon] Code Geass
[Point Taken from Canon] Between episodes 15 and 16. So...after he gets gunned down in the amusement park but before he returns to terrorize Lelouch again :D

[Age] 17 I THINK. C.C. says she gave him the contract 11 years before and that he was six, soooo...
[Gender] male
[Sexual Orientation] C.C.-sexual. No I am absolutely serious. Don’t even bother. =/

[Eye Color] Geass. He wears sunglasses to cover this up, buuuut...well, it's in his icons.
[Hair Color] Silver/gray/whatever you want to call it.
[Height] ...oh jeez. Um. He looks tall and gangly, but this is a CLAMP character we’re talking about. I’m gonna guess anywhere from 5'9" to 6'.
[Other] He always wears sunglasses and noise-canceling headphones. Always.
[Clothing] Best I could find >_>

[Background] Mao was a Chinese orphan at a young age and grew up with absolutely nothing resembling a traditional upbringing. By the time C.C. found him, he was six years old, and basically a child sociopath. She gave him his Geass-the power to read minds--in the hopes that he would fulfill his end of the bargain.

Mao’s Geass quickly became uncontrollable and permanently activated, driving him insane. As C.C. was the only person whose mind he could not hear, he took comfort in her presence. The longer she stayed by him, the more obsessed he became, despite the fact that they were practically strangers. But Mao couldn’t fulfill their contract, so she left him to be a crazy mind reader all by himself.

Fast-forward eleven years, and Mao finally came out among people again to have a little fun. He found Shirley Fenette, fresh from finding out that Lelouch was actually Zero himself, and used her confusion to mindscrew manipulate her into wanting to kill Lelouch and then herself. Then he went after Lelouch, tricking him into a train ride in which he absolutely slayed him at a game of chess, despite never having played the game before. At the end of the line, he had Shirley confront Lelouch with a gun, while placing Lelouch at gunpoint himself so that he wouldn’t use his Geass on her. However, his mind game failed; Shirley was unable to shoot Lelouch, and, as he returned to the train to get a shotgun to finish them both off, it started moving under C.C.’s instruction. He promised to meet up with her soon and disappeared somewhere into the city. Later, he blackmailed a gun dealer into giving him a gun and called Lelouch’s cell phone to lure C.C. out to a deserted carnival, far away from civilization, under threat of revealing Zero’s true identity.

At the fairgrounds, Mao managed to shoot C.C. before she shot him-several times, in fact, growing a bit angry when she started telling "wicked, evil, nasty lies" about their not!relationship. He told her that he built a house in Australia, but in order to get there from Area Eleven they would have to take a plane, and there “wasn’t much room”. Mao had a solution: a chainsaw. But before he could...cause any further bodily harm to C.C., Lelouch started up a recording on the big screen behind them, taunting Mao and fooling him into focusing just on the screen, causing him to completely miss the police coming towards him. Lelouch got away with C.C. and the police shot Mao full of holes, but thanks to modern medicine, he survived. Somehow. And that’s the point I’m taking him from 8D;
[Personality] Mao is, above all else, a shining beacon of utter batshit. His mental instability comes pretty much entirely from his Geass; as he is unable to turn it off, he always hears the thoughts of others. It drove him crazy at the ripe young age of six. Awesome. He generally avoids contact with crowds as a result, which really doesn’t help matters that much. His insanity brings out a lot of other personality traits and is also what makes him so dangerous; because of both his upbringing and his craziness, he has no concept of right and wrong, good and evil, or otherwise.

Mao’s Geass is his strength, but it’s also his was Kryptonite. On the one hand, it allows him to know his enemy inside and out and manipulate them as he pleases. On the other hand, not only did it make him crazy, but it also made him overconfident; he believes that if he knows his enemy’s thoughts, he knows his enemy. He’ll focus all his energy on his opponent’s mind and ignore any outside influence in the form of a trap or another person trying to foil his efforts.

As a result of his...lack of human contact, Mao is a very childish person, a trait that is amplified by his insanity to disastrous results. He can switch from selfish and oddly playful to sadistic and unbelievably cruel in no time flat. His mind-reading Geass makes him adept at playing on the insecurities of other in order to manipulate them into giving him what he wants. He doesn’t even always have something to gain for it; sometimes he just does it for the lulz. If the mind games don’t go quite as he planned, no big deal; he’ll get a little frustrated, sure, but he’s totally okay with the more conventional methods of taking a person out lol shotgun, lol chainsaw.

Mao’s Geass made him a outcast, but he found solace in C.C., the only mind he couldn’t hear. She kept him company, and as a result Mao developed a childish form of love turned obsessive, stalkerish love for her. He refuses to believe that she doesn’t love him back-even if she herself says it. He pursues her relentlessly and goes berserk if anyone even suggests that she belongs to someone else. Nothing matters more to him than she does.

[Specialties/Abilities] Mao’s Geass allows him to read minds, and comes with very few limits. He can read the mind of anyone within a 500-meter radius of him (if he concentrates) and can read both thoughts on the surface and deep into the subconscious if he wants. He can focus on individual targets or just include everyone, and do it without making eye contact. As a downside, it’s always active, and he is unable to block out anyone’s thoughts. He reads your mind whether he wants to or not, which is especially debilitating in a crowd. To stave off the voices, he wears a pair of noise-canceling headphones that play words of encouragement from C.C. Seriously. But if he wants to, damn it, he’s gonna use your insecurities against you in the worst possible way. Mao is an excellent mind rapist and a master manipulator, oh yes.

OBVIOUSLY THIS HAS ENORMOUS INFO-MODDING POTENTIAL so he will not be mind-raping anyone without permission. If you don’t want Mao guilt-tripping your character or whatever, I won’t do it. I’ll always ask first. Mm-kay?

[Affection] W-why would you ever. Why. I’ll allow it; I can’t say you can expect good things from trying to show affection, unless you are C.C., but WHY WOULD YOU EVER...
[Fighting] ffff GO GET ‘IM. As Mao specializes in psychological warfare, I have doubts for his abilities in a fistfight. He’d be able to defend himself, but not. You know. WELL.

[Other Facts] lol stalker :(

profile meme, my ninja info cards, ooc post

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