(no subject)

Sep 05, 2004 01:53

name: caitlin
nicknames: caity, cat, kitty, shapy, shapz
height: 5'2"
goals/ambitions: live.
pets: my baby. 2 others dogs, 3 cats, 2 ferrets, 2 hamsters.

4 letter word: fuck
actor/actress: johnny depp, baby
board game: sorry.
book: angels and demons
candy: reces
cartoon: simpsons
cereal: trix w. marshmellow...or cocoa puffs.
chewing gum: orbit. alll the time.
color: green
color nail polish: red
day of week: saturday when im home, sunday at school
least fave day: fuckin everything else
flower: roses
jello flavor: i dont like jello much.
jewelry: my hemp, biatch.
music video: i dont watch those often.
sandwich: subway classic italian bmt
oddities: oh sweet jesus, i dunno. im kinda strange.
piercings: currently only ears. used to be my nose + others, but whatever. its in the past. ::wipes a tear::
special skills/talents: hmm...
tattoos: none yet.
Shampoo: anything i can reach in the shower
Soap: anything i can reach in the shower
Day or Night: night.
Summer/Winter: summer cuz no school, winter cuz i hate being hott.
Trampolines or swimming pools: oh shit, thats a toughy.

person who last-
Called you: greg <33
Slept in your bed: me chris and delia
Saw you cry: i dont remember crying for a while. delia prolly tho.
Made you cry: i dont remember.
You shared a drink with: chris and delia
You went to the movies with: chris and delia
You went to the mall with: CHRIS AND DELIA
Sent you an email: alex prolly

have you ever-
Taken a picture of yourself with a milk moustache? lol prolly
Said "I love you" and meant it?: many times.
Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc..? yeah..shh.
Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: haha, ohhh man.
Taken any illegal substances: mwahaha
Gone out in public in your pajamas: yeah like everyday
Missed school b/c it was raining: mhm
Set any body part on fire for amusement: oh yes
Kept a secret from everyone: mhm
Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah.
Cried during a movie: many times.
Had a crush on a teacher: haha...kinda.
Ever thought an animated character was hot? yeah, trent from daria.
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: ::cough cough::
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: never.
Been on stage: ::dies::
Been to California?: mhm.
Danced Naked: its happened.
Had a dream about something really crazy, then it happens the next day? yeh, i hate that.
Had a mud bath?: haha yeah me and ariel exfoliated at the lake.
Wished you were the opposite sex? at times.
Had an imaginary friend?: jeffery!!
What time is it now?: 2 10 in the am
apples or bananas? oples or bononos
Blue or red?: blue
Backstreet boys or nsync?: niether.
Walmart or target?: both man
Spring or Fall?: fall.
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: sit here.
What was the last meal you ate?: spaghetti.
High school or college?: high school.
Are you bored?: i guess.
How many of your buddies are on-line?: 22.
Last noise you heard?: anti flag, right now.
Last smell you sniffed?: i dunno, my dog i think.
Do you have a crush on someone? its not a crush any more.
do they know?: yeah
Do you have a bf/gf: i dooooooooo

do you believe in love at first sight?: no, i believe in infatuation at first site tho.
do you want children one day & if so, how many?: yeah, 1 or 2
fave thing about the opposite sex: they way they make you feel beautiful and wonderful and loved.
least fave thing about the opposite sex: when theyre full of shit.
most important thing to you in a friendship is: the person.
turn offs: jerks, lack of caring, lying.
turn ons: hands, chests, hair pulling.

other info-
criminal record?: ::hides::
do you speak any other languages?: english and bad english.
last book you read: i dont remember.
name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: my bed and pictures.
thing you dislike about yourself the most: my body.
worst feeling in the world: lonliness, heartbreak.
who you love: loads of people.
who you miss: greg and meesah.

When was the last time you-
Smiled?: when i was talking to my hunny.
Laughed?: when i was talking to my hunnyyy.
Bought something?: umm...yesterday? the day before?
Danced?: ha, yesterday in home depot w. delia.
Were sarcastic?: a couple of minutes ago.
Kissed someone?: i kissed isha a few seconds ago.
Talked to an ex?: yesterday.
Had a nightmare?: last night. i always have the same fucking dream.
Last thing you had to drink: mountain dew.
Last time you showered: ha. dont remember.

do you-
Smoke?: yeh.
Do drugs? when i can.
Have sex?: looooooooove it.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: i dunno where my bear went, but i used to sleep with him every night. abidee gave him to me. him and baby doll, but shes on my shelf.
Live in the moment?: sometimes i forget to.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah. im always either running or falling. sounds cliche, but its true.
Play an instrument?: no.
Believe there is life on other planets?: sure.
Remember your first love?: i try not to.
Still love him/her?: nope.
Read the newspaper?: no.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yep.
Believe in miracles?: sometimes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: man i dunno.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: i could use some more patience
Consider love a mistake?: if it is, then... my bad.
Like the taste of alcohol?: oh yes. fuckin love it.
Believe in astrology?: no. but horoscopes are fun to read.
Believe in magic?: not really.
Believe in God?: nope.
Pray?: fuck that.
Go to church?: never.
Have any secrets?: mhm.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: yeah.
Wear hats?: on occasion.
Hate yourself?: at times.
Wish on stars?: lol sometimes.
Like your handwriting?: no its ugly.

what are-
you wearing: blue pjs and a beater.
your hopes: i'll never tellllllll.
your accomplishments: stuff. and..stuff.
your dreams: i'll never telllllll.

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