(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 08:52

No time no update blahblahblah.

There's nothing really new going on.. well ever really, but I guess that's not a very valid excuse.
Maybe it's because I don't sit in the computer lab at school any more. Eh, oh well.
I only go for two classes on Tues./Thurs., and then I've got two telecourse classes. One telecourse is Spanish I, for which all I do is watch Destinos. Yes, that's right, Destinos, and for those of you that know what that lovely Spanish soap opera is, please pity me now. I had to watch it Senior year in Spanish, and now I get to relive it, which is good though because that means I can kind of blow it off until whenever I feel like. I got my first test for that class, and it was easy.
My other telecourse is for Music Appreciation (MUS 101). That's a pretty easy class too in that there are no tests but just assignments you e-mail the teacher every two weeks. Some stuff is from the book, other stuff is your opinion/experience. It's not too bad.
Then I have Safety and First Aid for my gym requirement at school. This is a pretty cool class because the teacher keeps it interesting, and I know not one but two people in there. That's right, two. Haha. We just did CPR on Thursday, and that gets pretty exhausting to have to keep doing. It's rough saving the life of a mannequin...
My Marketing class is the other one on campus. It pretty much is my worst class. It's boring. My teacher just talks and hands stuff out. And there's a ten page paper that's due the week before finals that has to be about your marketing forecast and whatnot. It's just in the syllabus, not like the teacher actually spoke to the class about it. Oh no, that's too much to expect.
I have some stuff that I definitely need to get done today before work. I'm working in the service bar today. I hope it's busy. Busy = money. *fingers crossed* And I want to take a nap beforehand because I've been up since 6:30 or so unable to sleep but now I'm starting to get sleepy. Bleh.
Yea I'm going to go now. So I guess until the next time I update, which will be when whoever the hell knows... Bye.
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