Title: When Winter Comes. (Second Part) Pairing: Kyumin Rating: NC-17 Genre: Yaoi, AU, Romance. Summary:"Everybody in this world is as cold as me. But they have someone to share this coldness. But me
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Já que nada me impede, vou escrever em português só porque tô afim. U.U haha Brincadeira, você não sabe o quanto eu esperei pois você atualizar essa fic
Meu celular chato não deixou eu terminar o comentário anterior hunf. Como eu estava falando... Demore pra atualizar e eu corro atrás de você e te prendo na cadeira até você escrever (só brincando =p )
Kyuhyun sendo mais teimoso que Sungmin, se eu fosse o Min também sairia correndo sr um estranho viesse falar comigo. Good thing our Cho is a stubborn child add well
AHHHHH que comentário lindo qq OKAY, não vou mais demorar tanto pra atualizar, prometo!! E sim, ambos são teimosos mas é isso que faz a história fluir qqq adoro teimosia LOLz Vlw mesmo o comentário, mesmo mesmo mesmo!
Wait wait! What happened to Min? Why he isn't wearing any winter clothes,why he has no place to go,was he waiting a call to his cellphone? Ajjdhhdusjakajs too much questions YAY!Kyuhyun took him to his place :DDDDD Thank you for the 2 part *hugs*
Heey you! :D First, thank you for reading hahaha And all the questions will be answered in the last part! And I hope you all like it! Min is a mysterious guy, but Kyu like it that way LOL
Hey, thank you for reading, and I'm very glad you liked the story!! :D All the secrets of this mysterious guy that is Min is gonna be revealed by the next part! :D
Comments 14
Brincadeira, você não sabe o quanto eu esperei pois você atualizar essa fic
Kyuhyun sendo mais teimoso que Sungmin, se eu fosse o Min também sairia correndo sr um estranho viesse falar comigo. Good thing our Cho is a stubborn child add well
E sim, ambos são teimosos mas é isso que faz a história fluir qqq adoro teimosia LOLz
Vlw mesmo o comentário, mesmo mesmo mesmo!
poor Minnie... actually what had happened to him?
can't wait for the last part ^^
Thank you for reading and commenting! :D
Why he isn't wearing any winter clothes,why he has no place to go,was he waiting a call to his cellphone?
Ajjdhhdusjakajs too much questions
YAY!Kyuhyun took him to his place :DDDDD
Thank you for the 2 part *hugs*
Min is a mysterious guy, but Kyu like it that way LOL
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As soon as possible I'll post the last part! :D
All the secrets of this mysterious guy that is Min is gonna be revealed by the next part! :D
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