[Log] Bigger Than Naruto! :D [Sai & Sasuke] [Finished]

Oct 26, 2008 20:21

Who: Sai & Sasuke
Where: Ahh, Vegas.
When: After midnight, Saturday, 26 Oct, 2058
What: Underage ninjas poison their young bodies with that most wicked of beverages, alcohol.
Notes: Call it NC-17 to be on the safe side. SOMEONE GETS LAID. 8D

This was certainly one of the odder conversations Sai had had in his life.

Though if he really thought about it, it was more soliloquy than dialogue.

The scraggly-looking, polyester-garbed "Call me Tad" thirty-something who had thrown his arm over Sai's shoulder hardly seemed to find anything strange about it, but Sai supposed that might have something to do with the toxic smell on his breath and the brownish liquid he kept knocking back.

Sai sat, hands folded carefully in his lap, on the very edge of one of the tall chairs at his little table in the bar, patiently sharing the too-small piece of furniture with the taller, lankier man, as he learned more about "bitches" than he'd ever cared to know. "Ghetto-booties," and "honkin' melons," and "cheap pussy" and everything that apparently came with; Sai had since stopped bothering to nod and smile. All the man seemed to care about was that he take the occasional sip from the little shot glass that had somehow appeared in front of him. Sai couldn't hazard a guess at what precisely he was being made to drink, but he was well aware of the effects: his cheeks felt hot and were certainly flushed, and something in the middle of his head was buzzing unpleasantly.

Sai did not want to be sitting here. He did not want to be playing with this man. He really, really, really did not want to drink anymore. By all rights, he should have cracked the guy's nose up into his skull and walked off to a quieter locale.

Unfortunately, "Tad" was also known as "Wynn," and therefore his "target."

As long as there was the tiniest off-chance that he would let something important slip, it was Sai's duty to sit and sift through the verbal diarrhea and damned-well like it. But after what just had to be more than fifteen minutes of dogged toleration, nothing relevant had happened, and Sai was wondering if Sasuke was ever coming back. When he'd stalked off a while back - leaving Sai blessedly alone - he'd tossed off something about finding a restroom, though Sai had had the sneaking suspicion that he was simply bored and irritated.

"Geh- g'waaan, yer not drankin'" his new best friend goaded.

Not nearly as irritated as he would be if he ever returned to this, Sai was sure.

When their target, sloshed and jovial all the more of it, showed up to their table and insisted on buying them drinks [because ya look too damn young ta be sober in this kinda place], Sasuke knew it was going to be a long night. Which was precisely why, after this last shot of some golden liquor that made him thinking drinking oil would be preferable, he excused himself from the table. Between the diffuse feeling of not quite all together now that was beginning to pervade his mind and the flashing lights practically screaming at him from the dance floor on the other side of the bar, he was done. Or well, done enough for the moment, and rather than risk shooting off on their target and creating the kind of affront even a drunk would remember, he chose to leave.

There was only a pointed look at Sai as he slipped from his chair, Tad too preoccupied with ordering the next round for his young "friends" to notice the gesture. He did go to the bathroom, that much wasn't a lie, but he also took the time to move around the edges of the club, focusing on the darkest corners possible, the shadows that soothed his mind and gave his eyes some sort of blessed respite from all the shock of color and light. Unfortunately, in places like these, one shouldn't let their gaze linger too long in such darkness. But for all the flash of skin and broken movements of current must-have lust and would-be mornings of regret in the making, at least there was no sound. Just the constant pulse of music and the garbled wave of chatter from every angle.

With his head feeling less cluttered [though he still felt unnaturally warm], Sasuke made his way back to the table. An easy swagger of a walk that betrayed no hint of what he currently felt, of the strange reluctance to function at times and was nothing but confidence ground down to the finest of points. You didn't train that long and that hard to have a few shots of alcohol throw it all away.

"I got sidetracked," he said simply as he slid back into his seat. There was a quirk of his lips, an almost smirk that could have meant anything. The statement was Sasuke's way of saying he felt he had better things to do rather than waste his time in some obnoxious club catering to a drunk target. After all, wasn't that supposed to be Sai's forte?

Luckily for him, however, "Tad" took those words and the ambiguous smirk that followed it as something else entirely.

"Ha! Fucker's alre. . ." - a pause, words forced into submission as another round was thrown down the throat - ". . 'lready on the move!" Index finger lifted from the shot glass and pointed straight at Sasuke. Their target shook it a few times, a lecherous brand of smile pasting itself over his lips.

Sasuke lifted his shot, ready and waiting before him on the table, and tilted it with all the arrogant irritation [playing as fire-branded smugness] he could muster. A cold tip of acknowledgment, though the look in his eyes was anything but cool. But, what really distinguished want from hate sometimes? With "Tad" none the wiser, Sasuke tilted his head back and released the contents into his mouth in one solid motion of confidence.

"Ah, see, Ducky's got the right of it! Whaddaya nursin' that thing for, here lemme show ya how ta take a real shot, hold on..."

Sai could only watch, nonplussed, as their target ordered him another shot of...Jaegermeister? Was that what he was drinking? If so, Sai was definitely inking that one onto his "No, thank you" list. He peered over at Sasuke - who he could only assume was who Tad meant by "Ducky" - fuzzily envying his partner the magic googly eyes that allowed him to look like he actually knew what the hell he was doing from time to time. At least, he told himself, in this instance, being totally out of his league wasn't going to out him. Even in the best of circumstances, Sai just barely passed for his real age, and his patently false ID was not only common, but almost expected.

As for why Sasuke could make it seem so old-hat, well, he could make up his own excuses.

A new round of drinks arrived, not just for Sai, but for all of them, and Sai took it vaguely to heart that this was going on Tad's fake credit card and not his own. He sniffed at the clear liquid that appeared so deceptively benign, and decided it must be distilled from toothpaste and drain cleaner. Then Tad started slurring out directions, and obediently Sai knocked the whole thing back, thanking literally years of keeping a straight face for his ability to get through the process without gagging.

He presumed the warmth spreading through his stomach and chest was supposed to be some form of consolation for swallowing the vile brew, but it wasn't nearly enough to compensate for the swirling sensation behind his eyes.

This couldn't go on much longer. Not for himself, and certainly not for Sai [that one was just sheer drinking physics, and Sasuke knew there was no way in hell that Sai topped him in the scales or in muscle mass itself]. Though, that wasn't to say he was an expert in these affairs, but rather it was simple enough to compare those around them to the way his 'partner' was currently looking. Tack onto that the knowledge that was common to anyone trained to spy in these sorts of situations, realizing that both he and Sai were currently pushing their limits when it came to the "fiery brew" [also known as "shit to fuck ya up", "the sure way to a good time", and "the only way to experience Vegas" and the various other ways Tad had concocted up in their short ] was nothing sort of expected.

But as Sasuke swirled the shot glass before him, carefully rolling the clear liquid around so that a small wave rode just under the lip of the glass, he was spared from having to focus on concentrating by a sudden click of the tongue from their target. It was the kind of sound he had learned to interpret as Hot damn! [not his choice of wording really, but he was sure it was something he had heard from Naruto at some point in their torture-test of a relationship. . .just without the genuine surprise there, and a generous coating of lustful wishing]. He lifted his gaze briefly to catch the swing of leather-clad hips and the flash of skin, tanned as so many around here seemed to be, just above it.


One look was enough to tell Sasuke that their target's current "target" was about as good at her game as he was at this one. Fortunately, "Tad" seemed too damn drunk to note the difference between sexual exuberance and hook-line-sinker. But, this was Vegas, was it not?

Were it not for eyes catching Sai's at the next moment, Sasuke was certain he would have given off his own sharp tch. Tolerance was most assuredly cracking. There were limits, after all. Lips pulled into a line, though hardly the bloodless affair of one fighting for control. Just. . .

A grin, thoroughly drunk and shamelessly lecherous was flashed at them both. "Well, boys. . ."

The irritation drained from his eyes, the black a blank slate, ready to betray nothing and shield everything. Emotionless. His mouth curved just slightly. It was about time they wrapped this up. . .and that women would be a good enough distraction from them both. Come morning, just what would there be left to remember of them? Sasuke bowed his head, eyes slowly closing.

As the girl approached, Sai felt the muscles in his back loosen just a hair, just enough to line up his elbows on the little table and set his chin daintily on the back of one hand. His slightly-juiced look of abstract boredom as he eyed her proclaimed his preferences quite obviously - which was fine as far as Sai was concerned. Tipsy though he was, he knew that glint in her eyes, the one that sparkled at the black credit card Tad was waving around. Any straight guy as drunk as he was with a credit limit like that was just perfect for her kind - odds were, Tad would be waking up in the morning plenty satisfied until he found out just how much lighter his pockets were.

Tad, eyes glued to the buxom chest now pressed up against him, somehow managed to flag down a cocktail waitress to send his erstwhile young friends yet another round as some sort of consolation prize as he and his newest best friend started weaving toward the Blackjack tables. Sai stuck his tongue out at the refilled beverage to make sure it was clear where it stood. Nasty stuff; he had half a mind to tell the little shotglass off, if he thought he could complete a coherent sentence; this drunk thing was so not fair (and he blinked in surprised when his brain supplied that last bit of commentary in Uzumaki's voice). Some highly-trained - and very small - part of his mind was unaffected enough to tell him quite reasonably to go back to their room and throw it all up; he seemed to recall that might help in the long run.

Only problem was, he couldn't remember what their room number was.

Rather than wander off on his own, traipsing through the huge hotel hunting for the right door, he looked over to Sasuke to see if he was in any better shape. Right now he really hoped so.

Sasuke only watched "Tad" long enough to reassure himself that the man was gone and that he was free to lapse back into whatever the hell mood he so damned well wished to be in. Which was something of a cross between too-lightheaded to give a fuck and the usual irritation that spawned whenever he was forced to act in a manner not particularly of his own choosing [but somehow was necessary to get him the end results he wanted]. He noted the next round of shots with the blank stare of indifference, a hand curving around the small clear glass just as pretense until their target was well out of sight.

Released from his duty for the evening, the liquor was forgotten, the hand rising instead to press for a moment to his left temple. "Tch. . ."

For a moment, Sasuke counted down from ten. Forced the haze to the outskirts of his mind. This situation was. . .the absolute worst. Because he was caught between feeling damnably good [in the reckless fashion he too often associated with a certain blond] and thoroughly exhausted. But sleep was the last thing he wanted to indulge in at the moment. Somehow, it felt wiser to stay awake, to at least keep some sort of eye on the situation, even if it was merely their room. It wouldn't do to have the both of them passed out cold.

His gaze lifted from the table top. Eyes were slightly glossed over, but there was still enough fire within them to give the semblance of lucidity. Sai however. . . Sasuke took a step towards his partner.

"Can you walk?"

Which was the curt [and surprisingly considerate] version of I'm not exactly feeling like carrying your sorry ass back to our room. Though, that was really more due to the fact that Sasuke wasn't all that certain he could handle the dead-weight of another drunk when he was clinging just barely to his own state of balance. Enough of a handle so that no one would think to stop them on the way back to their room, demanding ID's and issuing sobriety tests because they simply looked too damn young. They just needed to make it back. From there. . .Sai could do whatever the hell he wanted, but for his part. . .fuck, even taking a seat would be nice.

Sai pushed his chair back and placed both palms on the tabletop, ever-so-carefully bringing his feet under them. "Okay. So," Sai started, setting Sasuke's question aside for the moment in hopes he'd remember it in a minute. "I think I found something I don't like." He stood for a moment, letting go of the table to test his balance - so far, so good. "Not that you care," he prattled on. The spinning part of his mind didn't really care that Sasuke wouldn't care. Not that Sai would normally care anyway, whether or not anyone cared if he cared. But the part usually set aside to pretend to care if Sasuke cared - as Sasuke tended to care rather forcefully sometimes, if he cared at all - just couldn't bring itself to care if it cared either. Sai paused, mystified that he'd somehow been trying to count all this on his fingers, then shook his head.

Bad idea.

The world set to spinning for a while, and he covered his eyes until it subsided. After that... If he was careful... "Yup. I can walk." Slow and steady, without looking too much like a busted shopping cart, he made his way in the direction of the elevator. The correct elevator, he noted triumphantly. He stopped to stare at the buttons. Up. They had to go up. Beyond that... well, he just hoped that Sasuke remembered the details.

"Oh, yeah! You didn't care, but..." he brought up his hand in front of him in case he needed to start counting again. "I don't like Jaeger. Yup. Definitely don't like Jeager." There. One thing. He could count that. In any event, screwing up his face seemed an appropriate reaction to his thoughts on Jaeger. "Very, very appropriate." Whups. Said that bit out loud.

If there was anything worth shocking yourself back into some semblance of control, it was realizing that your mission wasn't quite over. Oh no, from the look of things [or sound of it really, and all that rambling had Sasuke tilting his head to one side in mild irritation, eye twitch just barely visible under a long stab of black hair], Sai was most assuredly the worst off when it came to the two of them. Honestly, Sasuke was certain this was the most he had heard the kid talk in their entire trip together thus far.

And it was fucking annoying the hell out of him. There was another sharp tch as Sai took off in the direction of the elevators. At least the idiot was someone stable on his feet. Acting like a damn fool, but better than a fool sprawled out on the ground. Besides, it's not like he was the worst of what was exiting the club.

"Do I look like I care?" Sasuke muttered as he pulled up alongside the other boy. He didn't, and eyes were narrowed in that way that clearly said he had better things to worry about than what Sai preferred to drink. Namely, keeping his own vision was pulling the sights before him into some strange whirlpool of color [the kind you began to think you could taste because hell if those wires were getting crossed in the process]. Which just. . .just. . .Sasuke was listing slightly to the right, closer to Sai, who smelled of liquor, but something a bit more neutral under that. Lighter. . .and. . .

His eyes pulled themselves from the curve of Sai's neck to the group of young women pooling in behind them. A long, over the shoulder glance that told him there was nothing to worry about, save for the way they seemed to be eyeing the both of them. "Che. . ."

He wasn't here for their pleasure. And those whispers about just how long it would take one of them to get him naked. . .

Sasuke reached over Sai and pressed the up button. A last minute recall that if he wanted out of here, he needed to take the appropriate measures. First, securing a route back to their room. Second, making sure none of the 'Girls Gone Wild" crowd crashed his should-be quiet ride away from the buzz and the lights of this never-ending party.

The tittering committee behind them was studiously ignored in favor of concentrating. Very. Hard. On the numbers above the elevator door, the ones counting their way down to get to their level. Sai was starting to worry he may have a problem when it finally arrived: Standing was so far a challenging prospect, and he honestly couldn't remember how he'd managed to walk out of the bar only minutes before. But soon enough, he would have to take a few steps, make it into the elevator, and (hopefully) stand back while Sasuke pushed the buttons.

In the meantime, Sasuke was snarking at him - and messing with his concentration! - and Sai was not quite sure what he might have said to prompt it. Eyes fastened on the light-up numbers, he 'hmm'd' briefly. "You're Sasuke. You never look like you care. Unless you're looking like you care very much about hurting someone. So maybe you look like you care right now. If you hold that face until we get to the room, I'll be sure to look so I can tell you." He was starting to sway very slightly on his feet, accidentally brushing his shoulder against Sasuke's while he did so. "'Course, if you change your face from here to there, then I'm 'fraid it'll be lost to history."

Presently, the ding-ding-dings of the elevator caught up with their floor, and the doors glided open. Sai considered trying to take a step in, but right now it seemed very likely that he would fall flat on his face. Abruptly, he looked to Sasuke - who was looking remarkably steady, if Sai had to guess - and grabbed hold of Sasuke's arm with both of his. "I need help," came his flat explanation, then he shoved himself and his partner into the elevator. 'I hope Sasuke can stop us,' he thought as he did so. It was a very nice thought. Comfortable. Comforting, even. He clung like a limpet and left the execution to Sasuke.

"Tch. . .Don't you ever shut up?" Sasuke muttered. But whatever follow-up he had to that [and there had been one, vague and fuzzy somewhere off in the wings of his mind, just waiting to make its grande entrance], the elevator announced its arrival. Which was immediately followed by Sai doing some weird latching-on-thrust-forward thing as soon as the doors slid open.

And there was a moment, a very brief moment, of panic that consumed him. Where his eyes went wide, the surprise claiming him for the one moment that it finally could without threat of slaughter, and his body stumbled, losing its handle on the grace bred into him. That idiot. . .launching them into the elevator like this, like they were anything remotely that close - two drunken fools enjoying the evening.

Had he the time to do so, Sasuke would have uttered another scathing tch. However, his mind had to work furiously as it was just to regain balance, to throw an arm around the other boy and step around in some strange waltz so that when they landed, his back hit the far wall and his eyes were fixed on the crowd of girls staring at them with a look of utter awe [and want, because somehow, in his short stay in that club and in Tad's presence, Sasuke had come to understand that subtle glint in the eyes of those who desired]. His grip remained tight around Sai, almost protective, a gesture further solidified in the minds of those watching them as the doors slid shut by the glare he was wearing.

Yet, as soon as there was silence, only the low whirr of the elevator as it waited for its next command, Sasuke dropped the arm he had around Sai and set his head back against the wall.

"Press the number 5, idiot."


Well, that ended nicer than Sai had expected. His eyes had closed sometime in the process of hoping he didn't die (or at least crack a tooth), and he landed against something warm and certainly softer than the metal elevator wall, and surrounded by something strong. Sasuke's order to press the button was put on hold for the moment while he blinked slowly and wondered what kind of magic beans had been cast to spare him any form of face-plant and in fact bring him to land on someone infinitely more comfy than they had ever looked. "Must be your googly eyes," he mumbled, reaching forward to push the number "4."


"Oh no, wait!" His eyes danced around in panic as the elevator door closed, and they started moving up. "Uhh. Uhh." Shit, what now? "Oh. I. Do this." With much squinting, he reached out again and pushed "5." Perfect. Excellent. Going in the right direction. Nevermind the fact that he had three floors to move through before it would have even become a problem, and even then, not really. He'd fixed it! Fuckin' 'ey!

Now thoroughly pleased with his own conduct, he rewarded himself by not moving away from Sasuke. Idly he wondered how long it would take before he was shoved away, or ordered to Get. Off. or something possibly more bruising.

There was a twist of his lips in annoyance when Sai's finger slipped and met the four rather than the five he had asked for. Figured leaving such a demanding task to a drunken idiot would only have earned him piss poor results. And yet. . .what the hell did he really care at this moment? The sudden burst of action, the thought required to move in such a smoothly executed manner, had only ushered in the liquor-mist with a fury. Limbs were oddly leaden, as though not at all his own, and there was this pervasive sense of not caring, of almost liking the warmth of another body against him even as something was telling him he was hot enough as it was.

Speaking of that. . ."Just who the hell did they think they were talking about stripping me like that. . ."

Like he would ever service a bunch of dim-witted, lust-driven women for the sake of their own pleasure. He wasn't here for their enjoyment. Tch. . .like hell he'd ever cave in to such a base thing. He wasn't like that mutt after all, tailing after some piece of ass just because he knew he could get it. Just because he wanted "to get laid".

Somewhere in the midst of those thoughts, between the languor claiming him and spark urging him to act, Sasuke reached up and placed a hand at the base of Sai's neck. Fingers splayed out over skin, tips moving into hair. Possessive in a thoroughly mindless manner, more irritation having found an object for its release rather than any real desire to own. Yet, his body remained at ease, hardly a knot of tension bound in muscle. Just the quiet sense of power that rested beneath it all, slowly being unharnessed with every ounce of malice drained. No need to prove anything.

Head dipped down, a breath whispering warm over his lips. "And you. . .were rather useless."

Sai was stuck for a moment, wondering where that hand - and the accompanying tingling sensation - had come from. Well, not literally, he reasoned, he technically knew it was somehow attached to Sasuke, and strangely snaked around his side, resting against his back, but... But where the hell had that come from? And how much of this could he milk?

Slowly, and hopefully unobtrusively, he adjusted himself to sneak his chin onto Sasuke's shoulder, unknowingly mimicking a cat creeping into a lap, and reveling in the purely physical enjoyment of warmth. Sai had always run cold, thin as his blood was. "I'm no good with girls like that anyway," he mused. Really, sometimes these women just couldn't seem to believe they weren't always wanted. "They're just after a free show." A show that wasn't likely to happen, inadvertent cuddling aside. Of all the people in the world Sasuke could possibly find interesting, Sai figured he was fairly low on the list. Oddly enough that made this destined-to-be-short elevator ride that much more delicious, and Sai decided not to be the one to end it.

The fingers in Sai's hair flexed, motion brought about by the subtle shift in Sai's body against his own. Foreign, but not particularly unpleasant. Or maybe he was a bit more far gone than he cared to admit, with defenses growing more and more lax by the second. Even so, Sai seemed to slide into this role oh-so-easily, and that. . .well, that sort of annoyed the hell out of him. Fingers clenched, pulling hair tight and forcing the other boy's head back. Just a bit. Just enough for eyes to lock, to get the point across.

I can't be manipulated so easily.

"I thought you were the kind to cater to anyone," Sasuke muttered, though there was a decided lack of venom to his statement this time around. Perhaps just a bit bitter, knowing that the one pressed against him was the same person who was meant to be used in whatever manner was best seen fit [or so that was what he was beginning to learn from working with Sai, from the reports and the whispers among the staff about why they were paired together for this particular mission].

That's your role, isn't it?

But just as Sasuke was leaning in - and he wasn't particularly sure why he was doing it, only that something was telling him to press forward, to seek the advantage now that he had it, lips pursed in prelude to his next comment, the elevator gave one crisp ring and the doors began to slide open. Sasuke could only blink for the moment as the elderly couple standing on the other side stared back, surely misinterpreting the scene. The woman grabbed at her husband's [or boyfriend or lover-on-the-side, who really knew in a place like Vegas in this day and age] elbow, though he was looking somewhat amused.

Really. This wasn't what it looked like. There was absolutely nothing going on here that deserved such a look. Even so, Sasuke's hand didn't let go of Sai's hair.

He was just. . .lips coiled into a neat smirk. What did it matter what anyone else thought? After all, it seemed like it would keep the elevator for themselves for the next floor ride up.

"Ah- tss!" Sai sucked a breath between perfectly-spaced, slightly-bared teeth, eyes narrowing to little crescents and he returned Sasuke's look through thick lashes. Every muscle in his body coiled in a smooth and well-practiced reflex to very particular kinds of rough treatment; little fingers grasped at shirttails, and he seemed almost to hang, suspended, like a puppet in Sasuke's hands. He couldn't be 100% certain this was how his partner liked it, but the desire for control was plain in those red-speckled eyes as it was in the very way he held himself when he moved, and being entirely dependent upon another's whims was something at which Sai was a bonafide professional.

The rumbling open of the elevator door was apparently worth Sasuke's attention, and Sai turned his head just a fraction of an inch, catching the look of the old woman from the corner of one dark eye. Possible voyeurs were of no concern to him - really they could have as many people watch as Sasuke preferred - even so, he narrowed his eyes further in brief concentration as he opened the chromatophores just under the skin on his face, executing a faint tinge of pink, a blush that had taken hours upon hours of work and a ridiculously soft touch to perfect.

When the little belled pinged at them once more from above, and the door slid open, Sai turned his eyes back to Sasuke's and held them.

"Your move."

Wait - what?

Sasuke pulled back, almost a moment too late with lips all set to press to skin. Just a few more seconds, and he would have been doing something he never would have considered with Sai. He blinked, relieved but hardly showing it.

Your move.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? But just as Sasuke was getting set to push the other boy up against the wall, the hallway beckoned from beyond the open elevator doors. "Tch. . . ."

Grabbing Sai's wrist, he moved towards the doors just as the were beginning to close once again. A shoulder was pressed into the nearest once, forcing the metal to retreat back into the wings to let them finish their exit. And from there. . . from there. . . .Sasuke shut his eyes briefly. What was he doing, imaging Sai pressed up against him again? Warm. Wanting. Saying everything he was trained to say.

And right now. . .fuck, if he didn't want to do something to get a real reaction out of the other boy beside him. If only to prove that, yes, he was just that fucking good. When they arrived at their door, just a little way from the elevator area, Sasuke pushed Sai up against the wall. A bit of roughness to convey the point. A hand ran easily over his stomach, pushing at the fabric just a a bit. To hint. To tease.

His other hand was fumbling with the card key, trying to get it centered in the slot. Third time proved to be a charm. As the lock gave its beep of approval, Sasuke pushed the door open sliding a foot into the crack to keep it from slamming shut again. Lips ghosted over skin, moved along Sai's jawline, his hand still toying with shirt.

"Do you have any idea what you are asking for?"

Sai's eyes shot open at the sudden not-quite brushoff. He traipsed behind, not entirely sure what they were hurrying towards, trying to stay receptive and pliant while his arm was nearly being pulled from the socket in a manner decidedly far removed from the usual sadistic infliction of pain and injury. Was this a 'no?' Or... He let out a gasp when he hit the wall by the door, just after his teeth clicked together forcefully from the impact, but he stayed put for the sake of the hand on a spot Sai had always found to be particularly sensitive, and he blinked in surprise that was unfeigned. Still, he held himself back, pulled his face just slightly away, keeping Sasuke's mouth from making real contact with his skin, as he toyed with a master who clearly didn't know what he wanted just yet. That was fine with Sai, but it called for careful treading, very careful, as this one was more dangerous than most. Sai knew he shouldn't return to base from this mission too broken, though right now...? He wasn't sure if he would bring himself to fight such treatment at these hands.

He dropped his eyes, considering his options, then turned his head away from Sasuke and watched the dingy carpet in the dim hallway. "I can't ask for anything," he said, softly, steadily, mindless of any possible nearby listeners, but choosing instinctively to keep things quiet. "I can only offer." Play with me if you want, or bat at me and walk away, he thought, but the liquor in his system seemed to urge him to throw it out there, and he wasn't sure why. Which, if he really thought hard about it was... irritating. Which, in itself, was disorienting, and he clung to acts, motions and motives, that were familiar, that left him with solid ground to tread. It would be so, so convenient if Sasuke wanted to play...

It wasn't that he had no idea what it all meant - the feeling of heat drifting throughout his body, the quiet circulating need to something more than what he always proved to be, the ache to touch and taste and have something for once that didn't rely on beating it straight into the ground. It was just. . .he was pretty damn good at denying this every time it cropped up. After all, it wasn't that hard to figure out what this sensation was. As natural as breathing really. Particularly at this age.

He just. . had no real need for it. But, when liquor ruled the system, denial seemed like such a petty game to play.

His other hand pushed the door open. Sasuke stepped through, the hand still on Sai's stomach gathering a handful of his shirt and tugging him into the hotel room as well. Shoes were stepped out up as he pushed the other boy to the wall once more. A bit more forceful. Demanding.

You're supposed to be good at this, right?

Fingers played out over the shirt. Paused. Curled lightly back towards the palm before Sasuke dragged them down towards the edge of Sai's pants. "Then what is it, you plan on offering tonight?"

Eyes flashed with something dark, primal but not at all malicious. They studied his partner's face, prodding at the features to see if any truth sat within the look there. Was this something he could do, or would this the charade Sai was used to playing? Fingertips ran across the other boy's stomach, and Sasuke tilted his head to the left. Lips pulled back slightly, a smile, more devious than arrogant, but just begging for a retort.

Show me what you've got.

The noise Sai made when he hit the wall could be as easily interpreted as a cry for more as it could a protestation; in his experience the saying "people hear what they want" applied just as well to these sorts of situations as they did common conversation. But the gasp he let out - rather, three tiny gasps, blurring into one - as Sasuke played his hand across Sai's belly was much easier to parse out - so much simpler to show appreciation for one's partner's actions when they were so clearly doing it right. Sai found himself hoping those damned googly eyes of his would make him a quick learner.

He reached down to deftly finger open the button-fly on the pants Sasuke's hands seemed intent on, shoving them down just barely far enough for them to fall off if he so desired, then pushed his lips against Sasuke's hotly. "Anything," he purred into his mouth, deciding a litany of every act he'd ever performed would be too crass for one as prickly and high-brow as the Uchiha, "You. Want."

If he wanted a resume, Sai would just have to show him.

Sai was. . . .

. . . .fucking demanding.

That was all Sasuke could think as lips pressed against his, mind just barely recalling the feel of fingers working beneath his hand to undo pants. For as passive as the kid played, it when it came down to it, to this Sai could be as pushy as the next person. Not that Sasuke was particularly minding at this point - or all that experienced for that matter. After all. . .this was the first time anyone had kissed him [and Sasuke wasn't at all considering that one time when that moron had tripped into him and just. .. planted. . .lips. . .ok, he wasn't about to remember anything of that during this].

Lowering his head a little, Sasuke moved his mouth lower and nipped at Sai's lower lip. Instinct as only it could be from someone who had memorized far too many moves. Body acted, moving closer, pressing against his partner's form. Not hard. Not wanting in the fierce way that desire could often render one's actions. But, there was something to it - still fire and ice, without either dominating the other at the moment.

Except. . .Sasuke let out a heavy breath against Sai's chin, then tilted his head up to nip at his lips once more.

"A little eager, aren't you?" he murmured.

That little bite on his lips had to mean something, whether the Uchiha understood it or not, and Sai let his tongue flick out to take a taste of his upper lip, before moving on and letting a hot breath steal across his jawline up to his ear. The boy's words implied one thing but his body said another and Sai took firm grasp of the front of Sasuke's pants and yanked them close enough for their hips to crack against one another's with no hint of the caution that Sai knew would be wasted on this one. Either Sasuke wanted him to be aggressive, or he was looking for an excuse to be aggressive himself; whichever was the case, Sai decided to take a chance here, and shoved with more strength than he had so far shown until he managed to push Sasuke back against the bed where he could land, straddled, on top of him.

"What can I say? You're a bit... more than what I'm used to," which was a lie and wasn't a lie. Danzo and the lackies of his who were allowed to touch Sai had a strange sort of confidence that only existed among those who believed their paychecks granted them some special sort of immunity, but aside from Danzo himself few of them carried the sort of arrogance that this one exuded unconsciously. When combined with the Jaeger this was strangely intoxicating to Sai in ways he fervently hoped he would be forgiven for after the fact. If it wasn't, well, perhaps a few scrapes, sprains, and bruises would get Sai out of this before any serious injury befell him.

While he grabbed hold of Sasuke's pants once again, he took note of the fact that they were so far beyond the parameters of the original investigation that this night in the hotel room should be excluded entirely. Still, what the hell else were they supposed to do? There was no way they could follow their suspect around tonight without getting caught! This was... this was... this was... for the betterment of the mission. Sai easily pried open the front of Sasuke's pants and let his fingers have their merry way with those bits of Sasuke held within. Whether this was the end of the evening or not, Sai could not remember a single instance where he started a handjob and was told to quit. Sure, Sasuke had already shown himself to be a stiff-necked prude, but Sai was a professional, and was pressing on, ready to do exactly as he'd been trained to.

It would be so much easier if Sasuke reacted accordingly...

There was a real problem with having an ability that took in everything as fast as his did. Particularly when that was mixed with liquor, and his mind was working at a far more rapid, and thoroughly irrational, pace. It was why Sasuke had to close his eyes when Sai decided he preferred the bed to the wall. Turning out the world, to just focus in on the other boy and the steps he needed to take until he was securely on the bed and pinned beneath his partner.

Which wasn't such a bad thing, something was whispering to him at that moment.

It's not like he hated Sai, after all. Annoyed at times - yes - but hate? Hardly. And. . .

Ooooooh fuck.

Sasuke let out a quiet moan as Sai grabbed him, and starting doing things. Things that made him feel both heavy and light at the same time, that made the fire in his veins coil tightly in his and had some small scrap of him begging for more. Reaching out, he grabbed at the hem of Sai's shirt and began pushing the material up along the other boy's torso. Wasting no time in the wake of that act, he sat up, fingers sure despite the somewhat clumsy nature employed to lift the shirt higher.

Lips set to skin, a fleeting trail of kisses run up over ribs. Sasuke flicked his tongue aginst a nipple. The good thing, which he was thinking was rather good at the moment though surely the morning would bring him another opinion on the matter, about having eyes that took in everything, was that once computed to memory, those acts came as natural as sight.

"Take it off," Sasuke murmured hotly against skin, gaze drifting up to catch Sai's as he tugged at the shirt impatiently. A wild fire to those eyes now, wanting in ways Sasuke had never shown himself. . .had never let himself feel.

Sai's lashes fluttered and he allowed his heartbeat to speed up just so when Sasuke began showing evidence of honest-to-god, glorious, glorious reciprocation - already more than he usually resigned himself to. He tried to wonder just how much of it was the alcohol and if any of this would even be possible had they both been sober tonight, but that didn't last long, as he had far more important things to concentrate on getting right. He got the impression that Sasuke would be able to tell somehow if Sai let himself go at this half-assed, and for reasons Sai wasn't sure he understood, it seemed desperately important that Sasuke not think that.

He nearly growled at the spoken command, let his little pink tongue dart out to catch the corner of Sasuke's mouth, and threw back just enough rebellion to pull off Sasuke's shirt first, before slipping out of his own. Sai slid down Sasuke's torso, planting a hot, wet kiss just under the place where his sternum separated into his ribs, letting his tongue play at the little dip, wanting to move down farther but unable to work that out without falling off the bed. This was a problem, Sai reasoned, for both of them, and he moved back up to pout at his friend.

"Okay, we can do this on the floor, or we can do this on the bed, but both is a bit of a challenge." His nose crinkled as he came to the conclusion that his sense of balance was just not canny enough at the moment for anything too crazy, and it would hurt what hints remained of his sense of pride to make this awkward in any way.

Sasuke was notably distracted when Sai pulled away from him, leaving a cooling splash of kisses on his chest that only made him crave more warmth. But when he looked up. . .Sasuke gave a quiet little moan at that look, one that rested more in his throat than spilled over his lips. There was something in the way that Sai could pout that was completely different from anything Naruto had ever given him.

Unless this was purely the alcohol speaking, and then, well. . .mistakes happened. However, at the moment, Sasuke found himself wanting just from that one little gesture alone.

He sat up a little more, smile hinging on his lips as he moved in and pressed a kiss to the corner of Sai's mouth. An amused huff followed, light and shamelessly drunken, but still somewhat arrogant, as though that was too far ingrained in who he was to ever let any gesture go untainted by it.

"I rather like our position right now," Sasuke whispered against Sai's lips. Not a drop of guilt to be found in what was said. But, what was there to be sorry for in this? He liked Sai on top of him like this, liked the little ways the other boy took control without threatening to take it all. Just enough to make this interesting. He nipped at Sai's lower lip again, this time taking it between his teeth for a solid moment before letting it go.

And then, wrapping an arm around that slender waist, he pushed both of them back further onto the bed. Another little press of lips, off-center and still laced with amusement.

"You shouldn't have a problem with that."

Sai hummed in response, deciding with relative coolness that "It'll work just fine, I think." He returned the messy kisses, thinking that it was an unmistakably pleasant feeling, having someone who could heft you around so easily between your straddled legs. He momentarily distracted himself with admittedly inane comparisons between the current situation and those mechanical bulls some of the bars in the area felt the need to supply their customers. Those things were, in Sai's estimation, far too overrated, and certainly not like anything he'd want to have sex with, and it came to him that he should really get off this train of thought before he started counting on his fingers again. One look at Sasuke, and he made the entirely correct decision not to share any of this with him now. There were so many more entertaining things that he'd rather do.

He narrowed his eyes at Sasuke, and reaffirmed his decision with a "hmmph." Much better things to do.

Gently, smoothly, he lowered himself and sighed into him, moving soft and slow while the ball was still in his court. Fingers pressed carefully into Sasuke's arms and chest and stomach, before Sai gave his hand a good lick, pulled out his cock, pushed down Sasuke's pants until his was freed, and began rubbing them into each other, wet hand assisting while he sucked and nibbled at the curve of Sasuke's neck. He gave himself just enough leeway to allow his breath to catch and sigh, listening hard for any sounds Sasuke might be making, ever-attentive to his reactions.

Were Sasuke the slightest bit sober at this point, Sai's ability to just ease into this would have been cause for concern. Secretly, of course. Because, there was something just a bit wrong about the situation, where someone like Sai could move without thought into these actions, shameless as they were, without any apparent concern. It's not that he was romantic by any means. . .it was just. . .there was almost something sad about it all.

Because he had known, that had things worked out differently in his life, he wouldn't want to be sleeping his way through everything, everyone, just because that was what was wanted. And, for the smallest shred of a moment, Sasuke fell into that thought-pattern, let it rule his touch.

Fingers crept up Sai's neck, fingers splaying over the curve of his jaw as pull Sai's head up and leaned down to meet him. Slowly kissed the other boy's chin, the curve of bone then sliding up to just beneath his mouth. Something he had seen, it felt, countless of times in all those movies he had watched. Head lifting a little more, he pressed another kiss to Sai's lip, breathless for a second against them.

And then, a quiet, throttled moan, denied all this time as the friction below incited electric riots of pleasure in his core. For that. . .Sasuke gave Sai a sharp nip.

"Don't tell me that's all you're planning, Sai" he breathed out.

All the extra attention from Sasuke's lips was both surprisingly kind of him and strangely unsettling. Now a bit confused, and slightly unsure of himself, Sai kissed him back in the same manner, not exactly certain of where he was going with this. And then he complained. Figured he'd want to rush this. Sai's brow creased, and he made a soft noise of irritation - just what was this liquor doing to his brain? His heartbeat surged ahead and he tried to ignore the icy trickle of fear of his own thoughts that was moving down his spine. He couldn't keep a slight tremor from ghosting through him, but he shook it off quickly and fiercely attacked Sasuke's mouth with his own. None of this should be bothering him. He shouldn't be capable of being bothered.

"You're complaining?" he hissed, releasing his grip on the both of them in favor of fisting his hand in Sasuke's hair cruelly. "I though I was the eager one..." He took his time bruising Sasuke's lips, then moved his focus lower, nipping at his chin, his shoulder, spending a while granting some very thorough attention to a nipple, tracing the tiny hairs down his stomach before taking him in his mouth. He held him that way, as deep as he could, undulating his tongue with practiced ease, then pulled slowly away, playing at him with fast, tiny licks, strong, sure fingers, and hot breaths.

Let him bitch about this that frightening little voice piped up inside. If Sai was going to be treading thin ice like this, tonight, he may as well enjoy himself in the process.

Who would have thought the kid had it in him?

Certainly not Sasuke, or at least when he was drunk, because there was a blink that followed in the wake of that hard kiss. Body reacting because it knew what to do even if the mind was otherwise preoccupied - namely with wondering just how Sai had ever managed to hide all of that under his air of ignorance. Because this. . .of this was too well known to be feigned. But those thoughts were quickly banished - because what did they really matter, anyway? - as Sasuke's ego pieced itself back together for the retaliation.

Which was very swiftly cut short when lips wrapped around his cock and a moan of gratification pulled itself from the depths of his throat.

Dear fucking God. . .

It was a complete whiteout of thought for a moment. It's not like anyone had taken the liberty with him before [not that many hadn't wanted to, or even propositioned him for the act - an empty hallway, a bathroom stall, one of those private rooms]. Then again, were they both in another state of mind, Sasuke doubted this would be happening at all.

But it was, and right now. . .oh right now. . .who would ever want to stop that?

Reaching down, Sasuke tangled his fingers in Sai's dark hair, grabbing lightly one moment, harder the next. And then, a tight smirk as he looked down at the other boy. A hot, breathless pant.

"Heh. . .don't think. . ." - pause for a moan that was swallowed - ". . .you're getting off with just this. . ."

Still talking, hmm? Sai took that as a challenge and upped the pace, now and then engaging in long, low moans, and throaty sighs and gasps that showed a level of enjoyment in the activity that he couldn't really promise himself was entirely false. Though now too busy to say as much, Sai rather thought Sasuke would be surprised at just what he could get off with, and the hands toying with his hair were certainly not hurting his case, as he shivered at their touch.

Any troubling opinions of that were either swept away or ignored as he concentrated in full on the task at hand. Sai's upbringing had been strange, he'd been trained to be submissive, and control was not something he had had the chance to taste many times in his life. By now what they'd allowed him to keep of himself had become something of an opportunist; he took whatever he could get, and somewhere, in a place he wouldn't let himself examine, he reveled in it whenever he could. Like right this moment, leaving Sasuke breathless, leading him right to the edge, then pulling him beyond that. Just for that instant, with a mouthful of the boy underneath him, he could grasp domination, fleeting though it was.

And then it was over. As he daintily lapped up excess traces of semen, he started reordering his mind, mentally scolding himself for letting his thoughts go like that. Things like mental or emotional satisfaction, especially for some form of personal fulfillment could only lead to harsher, uglier states of mind, wishes and wants forbidden to Sai for years. Tonight, however, with his head still spinning from his target's earlier chemical assault, he now allowed himself the small luxury of staying put long enough to clean his hands and face off. Sasuke would have no problem shoving him off the bed when he was tired of Sai's presence. His own arousal could be taken care of in the bathroom in a moment, though already his heart was beginning to slow.

At least, he thought, the small loveseat looked comfortable enough.

How could he not give in to that? When that had never been done to him before, and his senses were reeling from the overload of something that seemed both fire and ice sweeping through his veins at that moment. When all he wanted was forthat to continue. Fingers fisted in Sai's hair, encouraging even as they threatening to pull the other boy as far from his arousal as was possible.

To spare him.

Only. . .only. . .


Where exactly had his thoughts been going with that one? Sasuke couldn't remember. Didn't want to remember. Didn't need to really when that warmth was curling in his groin, driving every stray scrap of reason into the depths so that everything primal could have its say. So beautifully ingrained in the human condition, that need. When he gave in, it was with the tightest of moans moving swift and hard over his lips.

A complete blackout - no thought, no care for anything. Just that surge of pleasure that washed over him, taking every ounce of him as though it was due. The fingers in Sai's hair relaxed, though they did not relinquish their grip. Waiting. Panting, Sasuke opened eyes he hadn't known he'd shut. For a moment, he stared, transfixed, at the ceiling. Something trying to sort out this mess they were both creating, the liquor trying to tell him it didn't really matter.

And then, without warning, without even a change in his breathing pattern, Sasuke flipped Sai. Pinned him to the mattress with one arm as the other tucked himself back into his pants. An awkward arrangement really, and one that took far more time that it should have, but really. . .who was counting the seconds? The smirk he offered was nothing short of vicious, more want than anger, however.

Keeping the other boy pressed to the bed, Sasuke readjusted himself, shifting his weight to settle himself more evenly over Sai's figure. And then. . .the ghost of fingers over hardened flesh.

"I'm not done with you."

The sudden movement left one thought in Sai's mind: I am being attacked. With no further idea what Sasuke was doing or why, Sai's first instinct was to defend himself, to fight back. Luckily for both of them, he was still too befuddled to react in any timely manner. By the time he had his muscles in the right order to act, his mind had finally caught on to what Sasuke was doing, though the why was still beyond him. The trickle of fear returned, even as he was physically enjoying the light touch of Sasuke's hands and the weight of the larger young man on top of him - he was off-balance, his movements hampered, and Sasuke kept catching him off-guard in ways more insidious than the flurry of motion a moment ago.

He had half a mind to protest Sasuke's ministrations. This whole encounter hinted at something highly irregular; he was already making mental notes to make an appointment with the psychotherapist to help him unravel this messy knot in his head. But right now... Did he really need to worry about that right now? Would it really be so bad to close his eyes, to lie back, and, and....

No, no it wouldn't be so bad. Sai let the muscles down his spine relax, snaked his arms around Sasuke's neck, pushed his fingers through cold, dark hair, chilly in the over-air conditioned room, grasp tightened just barely enough to let the close-cut fingernails be felt. Not much to do now, except hang on and breath, let himself be played with. Whatever Sasuke wanted, and just maybe Sai wanted it a little, too.


That was all something whispered from the back of his mind, a quiet presence that could still note the worthwhile, the little things that might very well save his life. Or Sai's in this case - though the matter of life was taking another term from the normal. Then again, he had once heard this act - or the results of it - referred to as "the little death". Maybe then, that wasn't so far off.

His strokes were smooth, an even slide of fingers over silky flesh. Unhindered. Practiced with all the confidence he so often carried though the personal knowledge of the act was sorely lacking. There was knowing what he liked, as rarely executed as it was upon himself [because sometimes. . .sometimes, there simply was no other way to move on with the day], and then there were the flawless lines spilled after hours of memorization and scene-after-scene until the feeling was just right, the audience none the wiser to the false play of want at hand. All because it flowed just that well.

Lips ghosted over skin, seeking the warmth of Sai's neck. There was a shallowness to every breath he drew, as though satisfaction had proven just that fleeting [or maybe his own release had left him just that drained]. Hot and flooded with drunken desire. Because he could fool himself like this, could believe that what he felt right now wasn't just the fiery surge of liquor through his veins, inhibitions scattered like wishes on the wind. This was a choice, something within his control. Teeth gave a precise little nip to the curve of Sai's shoulder.


Sasuke lowered himself closer, body slipping to the side in a manner that might had been intended but could have just as easily been the work of balance chemically undone. Even so, the rhythm of his pumping never lost a beat and the press of lips and teeth never forgot their target.

Sai gasped huskily with every stroke of Sasuke's hand, shivered a bit with each little bite, falling into expressions and movements pleasing to the eye and to the touch, now more out of simple habit than a concerted effort. He rocked his hips gently with the motion, causing his back to tense and arch just enough to feel. Soon enough the tables were turned completely, and Sasuke was the one pushing Sai off the edge, and Sai sucked in a quick breath, stilled the light rhythm of his hips, let out a long, low, "mmmmm," as his eyelids fluttered and the delicious tingling spread from his belly up and out until it reached his very fingertips.

In an inexplicable moment of selfishness, the arms around Sasuke's shoulders tightened their grip, pulling him that much closer, and Sai let his skin drink in the last bit of heat he was willing to allow himself. Then he forced himself to relax, to let go, to let one hand wend its way back to the gaudy, pilled comforter and twist his fingers in the scratchy synthetic fibers. Eyelids parted and he blinked at the ceiling, until his gaze focused and drifted, wide-eyed to the tangle of hair nestled against his shoulder.

Sai tried to get an elbow underneath himself, to lift himself up off the bed, to, to whatever. "Maybe I should..." he started, thoughts too scattered to know where he was going with the thought.

That one gesture - so completely foreign. There was a part of Sasuke that wasn't to pull away immediately, to renounce everything that had just occurred because it obviously meant nothing. And yet. . .


He was still impossibly lost within the feel-good fog of liquor and release. A place where concern really had no perching place to call its own; ego and all the little tie-ins of pride set by the wayside to sleep out the scene, waking only occasionally to bark disapproval when the stimulus proved more than enough to cut through the haze. Right now though. . .

Pulling his hand away from Sai's length, Sasuke glanced down at the appendage with the smallest quirk of his lips. Surprisingly pleased with the effort [though something whispered rather sleepily that making Sai come probably wasn't the hardest thing to do. . .not that he was concerned with that thought at the moment, though like a recently beheaded snake he knew there was always the chance for one last bite]. There was a flick of his tongue against an index finger as he rolled off of the other boy, back flat to the mattress and chest rising with a satisfied pull of air into the lungs.

"Get a towel," Sasuke supplied with what might have been a slight hint of amusement. Eyes shut, he breathed in deeply once more. Strangely settled with the situation, though there was a nervous tread starting in his core. Waiting. A familiar sense of what's-to-come lurking in the darkness.

Black eyes stared at Sasuke, a blank expression fighting hard to win back its territory over the confusion and odd fascination. "Hmm," was his only response as he slid neatly off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, one hand held lightly to the wall to keep from wobbling. A quick moment was spent with a damp washcloth, cleaning himself off and adjusting his pants, then he wrung out another one for Sasuke, flipping it open carefully and returning to the bed. He held out the warm cloth and reached out with his other hand to grab himself a pillow off the bed to curl up with on the loveseat. He wondered if there were any extra blankets in the room. It would be such a hassle to have to call housekeeping.

This situation was. . .highly unusual and yet strangely comforting. In a very twisted sort of way of looking at things, because right now Sasuke was both oddly gratified while waiting for the fallout. Which was bound to happen, only with the warm sense of satisfaction filtering through his blood along with the liquor, he was finding it hard to hate anything particularly at the moment.

In fact, the only thing that seemed to make sort of sense at the moment was the desire to sleep. A plan to be executed as soon as he cleaned his hand off. Luckily, Sai proved just as good at taking orders drunk as he did sober [for the most part, as it was a bit hard to forget the small acts of defiance he had witnessed over the last. ..ten. . fifteen. . .what the fuck did it really matter - time was time.] Sasuke took towel, the smirk lazy but arrogant on his lips. It was discarded on the nightstand a moment later, the act followed by the surprisingly seamless transition into a sleeping position.

An eyebrow lifted as he watched the other boy move about their room. Mildly interested until it dawned on him what exactly Sai was doing.

"Tch. . ."

Closing his eyes again, Sasuke tucked both his arms under his head, face aimed towards the ceiling. "You're not sleeping on the couch, idiot."

Sai paused, getting ready to do just that. His eyes darted to the floor doubtfully, but even drunk it seemed obvious that if Sasuke wanted him to sleep there he would have just said as much. He padded back to the bed and set the pillow back in place, sitting down gingerly - was this even allowed? - and eased back, trying not to jostle the bed too much. It was a little cold.

After a few moments of uncharacteristic waffling, he scooted down just a bit and curled up on his side, crown of his head pressed lightly against Sasuke's side, one curled hand just barely brushing his waist. He tried to listen carefully, to remain alert for any signs of disapproval, but soon enough his eyes were closing, and the intention didn't last long.

lol, finished, sai, sasuke, log, booze, las vegas

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