Who: Tobi, Tayuya, any first-years who wanna show up <3
What: Tayuya helps Tobi escape Ibiki, and then they decide to play a little game concerning first-years and fire.
When: Around 0100, June 29th
Where: All around our lovely base! :D
Notes/Warnings: Swearing, kids on fire~
Tobi logged off and shut down the desktop he'd been on, letting the small
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Comments 21
When Tobi shut the grate behind them, she started off again. "So, what's the plan? You just wanna fuck off and leave 'em hanging, or do you wanna have a little fun with them too?"
Okay, so she was bored. Was that a fucking crime? Anybody who thought so could suck her metaphorical giant, throbbing cock already. Dickheads.
Really, not even two hours ago he had started counting the ceiling tiles in that crappy guest bunker they were making him stay in. So, yeah, this was a bit of improvement in the "not-boring-possibly-fun" department for him.
The cot had smelled like old, moldy blue cheese, for fucks' sake!
[ooc: I don't even know how to spell that last swear word. And I now have this image of Tayuya with a huge, throbbing dick seared into my brain, thanks to me deciding to ponder that sentence. SO YEAH, IS IT TIME FOR THE FIRST-YEARS NOW? 8D?]
"How 'bout a little competition, then?" she suggested suddenly. "We try and avoid the goons while having ourselves a party. Say...hmmm. The first-years could use a fucking good kick up the ass. Let's play with them."
Yeah, those little turds totally fucking deserved it. Tayuya grinned viciously. "Sound like a plan, or does that sound like a fucking plan?"
Trademark grin in place, he shook the bottle at Tayuya. "Got a lighter?"
She matched his grin with a purely evil one of her own and began to rummage through the small pack she'd bought with her. Out came not one but two lighters (though she was dubious as to how much fuel was left in the garnet-red one - that one went to Tobi, of course) and a can of neon pink spraypaint.
She liked to be prepared for any graffiti opportunities, after all.
"Fuck, for once your head's smack-damn on track," she cackled. Now all they had to do was find some cockmunching brats to terrorize. "Person with the most set on fire before they get caught wins, agreed?"
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