that the phrase "I had a shitty day" was just a metaphor.
So I woke up as usual yesterday morning, to another Effing Rainy Day. Opened bedroom door, took first step out to bathroom. Foot went "squish." "Wait," early-morning brain says, "that's not right. Oh, look, the carpet is all wet. Something in the bathroom must have leaked." Then rest of senses wake up enough to say "Wait. That's not water. Turn the light on so we can see."
At which point I discover that the plumbing in the bathroom has backed up. The entire bathroom is covered in about an inch of raw sewage, which has leaked over the threshold and onto the carpet.
Fortunately, I live in a building owned by a company that owns lots of buildings and has a 24-hour emergency number. And they were there in about 15 minutes -- because they'd been at my building and the one next door since 4 am, because all the ground-floor apartments had the same problem, though mine and the guy across the hall got the worst of it. They had The Equipment (and special shout-out to Tim The New Guy who got stuck with the First Assault Wave With Shop-Vac). They had a carpet cleaning machine and then sent in the cleaning ladies who bleached everything that was left (oh, how I mourn the passing of my Awesome Fishy Bathmat!)and I ended up being only 45 minutes late to work. It was mostly okay last night when I got home from work -- nothing open windows and some Febreeze couldn't make livable until the professional carpet cleaners get there today. And it didn't get in any of the closets or any of the books or furniture, so it could have been a LOT worse. (I could have had to clean up that mofo myself.)
Anybody doing anything fun before the Rapture? (The sun came out for a few minutes today; that may be a sign of the Apocalypse. Also the Cubs are playing the Red Sox this weekend.)