Title: Secret Santa (Drabble/One-shot)
Rating: PG13- NC17
Pairing: Yoosu (half dominant Su) (Junsu centred and a hint of Jaeho)
Genre: Fluffy
Summary: It’s Christmas and all five of the boys decided to have a secret Santa game thing for Christmas.
Explanation (for people who don’t know what secret Santa is): Secret Santa is like a game. You have the
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Comments 11
I haven't found many Junsu dominating fics so i decided to write one and also my friend sort of encouraged me to write it too XD
thankz for reading and commenting *hugs*
I could so imagine Yunho doing that!!! To me he seems to act childish even though he has to keep up his leader image ^^
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I like Yoosu more than Junchun but then again it's always fun to have a change and btw, Yoochun is still dominant in my fic ^^
*hugs u for reading and commenting*
And here is it being seme for xmas. Please continue writing ^^
I've always though of Junsu as being the uke and of even in Junchun fic he usually ends up being the uke anyway XD
Thank you for your comment and thank you for reading
Bwahahahahaha I'm back! and so is my ability to skip lines within a comment! xD I swear I have no idea how to return on my phone.
Anyway, not reading this a second time, but that was much fluffy and cuteness =3 and I liked the way you ended it xD you should put more detail into the nc-17 part =) this one doesn't sound quite nc-17ish, then again I dunno, I haven't written one before *shall go off and write something that's been nagging her all week now* xD
Andandand I loved the teddy bear xD oblivious!Jae is so cute!
Thank you for reading ^^ and commenting *hugs*
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