Title: Chaotic Christmas
Author/Artist: ANON
Pairing(s): Ron/Hermione
Prompt: 2011 #123
Word Count/Art Medium: 816
Rating: PG
Contains (Highlight to view): *Slight suggestive material.*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: I had a fun time writing this story, exploring what a Christmas in one of the Weasley households would be like.
Summary: It's their first Christmas with two children. Dirty laundry, piano lessons, and scattered Christmas decorations only add to the chaos and fun.
Ron was tired. It was only nine o'clock in the morning, and he was already exhausted. "I don't know how my parents did it."
"Did what?" Hermione asked as she raced after a giggling Hugo. So far, she had managed to get him dressed, save for his little socks. For some reason, their son hated those socks and it was a chore trying to get them on. Thankfully, Rose was calmer, although she had her moments.
"Getting multiple children ready to go some place. I mean, we only have Rose and Hugo, but Mum and Dad had seven of us, eight it seems like with Fred and George's antics," Ron replied.
"Don't worry, but...OUCH!"
Despite his exhaustion, Ron was on his feet, with his wand drawn. "Hermione, what is it?"
"It's one of the glass birds again, Ronald. Rose Weasley, how many times have I told you not to take them down from the tree?" Hermione asked angrily.
Rose grinned innocently, causing Ron to chuckle. This was one of her moments. No matter how many times he decorated the tree, his daughter would find ways to strip it of the decorations. The glass birds were placed near the top of the tree. That proved Rose wasn't going to turn out to be a Squib, if she had this much control of her magic already.
Finally, Hermione came back to the living room, holding a giggling and squirming Hugo in her arms. "Ronald, do you think you could…?"
Ron was already on the move. He took the socks from Hermione and started putting them on their son's feet. Now, Hugo decided to cooperate, after leading Hermione on a merry old chase. Hugo was more like his twin uncles than Ron wanted to admit.
"It could be worse, Ronald," Hermione said, continuing their conversation.
"Yeah, how?"
"Harry and Ginny have three kids. As much as our darlings like to play jokes on us, can you imagine what James has done to the others?"
Ron admitted his wife had a point. As mischievous as Rose and Hugo were, James was clearly in the lead for the title of Prankster-In-Chief. He wasn't going to tell George that, though. Either George would come up with a challenge involving all the Weasleys' offspring, or his head would swell so big that he wouldn't fit through a door.
"Mum is expecting us at noon for Christmas lunch," Ron said.
"Ronald, did you get your father's owl? Molly has come down with something, so we're having Christmas dinner at Grimmauld Place," Hermione said, as she finished making sure Hugo was wearing shoes.
Ron squirmed. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I don't fancy the idea of taking the kids there yet."
"Harry, Ginny and Kreacher have gotten the place cleaned up. It's not as bad as it was before fifth year."
"Still...wait a minute, don't we have dirty laundry to wash?"
Hermione sighed. "They'll be time for that after dinner. Ron, relax. It will be alright. What's wrong?"
"I'm just afraid that I'm going to screw everything up."
She walked over to him and kissed him, causing Rose to say, "Ewwww!" This caused Ron and Hermione to laugh and kiss again. They saw Rose cover her eyes with one hand as she walked over to her brother to cover his eyes with her other hand.
"You are the father of two wonderful children and a wonderful husband, Ronald Weasley. Don't ever forget that," Hermione said softly. She lowered her voice as she added, "And after the children go to bed, I can remind you in other ways."
Ron grinned. "I like the sound of that."
"You would."
* * * * * *
"Hermione, am I imagining things or is the entrance hall green?" Ron asked as they entered Grimmauld Place.
"It's not your imagination, Ron. There are evergreen branches all over the place," she replied.
"I'm sorry about that, Ron, Hermione, but you can imagine who did this," Ginny said, hurrying towards them to greet them.
Ron chuckled. "Let me guess: James."
His sister sighed. "He's a handful and I think he's worse than Fred and George were. I don't know how Mum handled it."
Hermione laughed. "Ron was saying the same thing at home."
"The meal should be ready soon. Harry and the others are in the drawing room," Ginny said.
Ron, Hermione and the kids made their way to the drawing room where Harry was playing the piano. Ron knew Harry had started taking piano lessons the past few years. Harry had admitted he was rubbish at first, but Ron thought he was getting better.
Hermione walked over to the piano and shooed Harry aside. He slid off the bench, allowing her to take his place. Ron smiled as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Yes, it was a chaotic Christmas, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
The End