Title: A Little Snow
Author: ANON
Pairing(s):Harry, Draco
Prompt: "Come on, Potter, you're not going to renege on our bet because of a little snow, are you?"
Word Count/Art Medium: 1500 words
Rating: G
Contains (Highlight to view): *Near death experience.*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: (You may put your beta's name/initials here along with any other notes.)
Summary: It was just a bet, it wasn’t supposed to end the way it did.
"Come on, Potter, you're not going to renege on our bet because of a little snow, are you?" Draco knew exactly which buttons to push to make Harry do as he wished. He could almost see the fire that burned in Harry’s eyes as he was challenged, and he knew then that he’d won.
The golden boy might have beaten him on the field a few weeks back, but Draco was certain he would not win again.
“Let’s do it,” Harry fumed, his fist tightening even harder around his broom. Harry’s hero complex was so easily manipulated that making him accept a silly challenge was almost too easy. Turning the Gryffindor walked in determined steps outside where he ignored Draco as he pulled out the snitch he practiced with earlier from his trousers.
“First one to catch the snitch is the winner. If I win you will stay away from me the rest of the year;” Harry demanded.
“And if I win…”
“Don’t bother, you won’t,” Harry sneered before throwing the snitch up into the air, not looking at it before he sat on his broom and lifted up into the air. He stopped a few meters in the air, probably waiting for Draco to join him.
Rolling his eyes Draco decided not to let Harry’s rudeness bother him and straddled his own broom, joining his nemesis up in the air. With a single head nod from Harry the game was on, both seekers flying into the direction where they thought the snitch was.
It didn’t take that long before Draco regretted challenging Harry to a private match in a snowstorm. The wind which had been a breeze not that ago felt like icy whips against his exposed skin, at least his clothes were charmed so they produced some heat, not that it kept him from freezing. Knowing he couldn’t take back his challenge he held on to his broom and flew through the snow in search for the golden ball.
The wind wasn’t the only thing which had increased, the amount of snow made it impossible to see more than three meter in front of him, causing him to almost crash into several tall trees. They should have gone to the Quidditch field, as it was more safe, but Draco wasn’t going to complain about such details to someone like Harry.
Suddenly he saw something golden amongst the white, automatically he increased the speed and steered his broom into the direction of the sighting. Harry was already on the trail, but he wasn’t that far ahead of Draco so there was still a chance he might win.
Pushing his broom to its limit he moved closer to Harry, riding side by side a few seconds later. He didn’t turn to look at his nemesis, their surrounding were so bad he didn’t want to risk crashing into something, instead he focused on the snitch, his hand reaching for the winged ball.
Suddenly he saw something dark heading straight towards them, it was a tree. Instantly he reacted and made a sharp turn to avoid it. His hand flew up in front of him, still reaching for the snitch he had in his sight, hoping it wouldn’t suddenly change its direction.
He was close, so close, just a few seconds more and he would have the snitch in his hand.
“Got it!” Draco shouted, pulling his broom to a complete stop.
Turning to where Harry should have been he realised the Gryffindor was not by his side. Harry would not leave the challenge before it was over, meaning something must have happened.
He would never admit it out loud but he was worried, it was not like Potter to suddenly disappear. Knowing he needed to find him quickly before the snowstorm got too bad Draco put the snitch in his pocket and flew through the snow hoping to find him soon.
His last memory of of the Gryffindor was seeing his hand as they were both reaching for the snitch, right before the tree. After he avoided the tree he couldn’t remember seeing any sign of him, meaning that if something happened to Harry it had to be there. He flew to all the trees he could see, his heart beating harder and harder as the seconds passed and he didn’t see any sign of Harry.
By the time he reached the fifth tree he was losing faith in ever finding the Gryffindor, but he couldn’t give up as the boy was important part of the wizarding world, even if he often hated Harry’s guts. He found Harry in the snow two trees later, his body slowly being covered by a white blanket. If Draco hadn’t caught the snitch and started searching for Harry when he had he wondered if Harry would be completely concealed by the snow.
Fear filled him as Harry lay still. For a second Draco felt like his heart stopped as he feared the worst, feared that Harry was dead and he was the one responsible. Knowing he might still be alive Draco pushed the scary scenarios out of his head and jumped off his broom next to the Gryffindor.
“Potter, are you dead?” There was no response, not even as Draco slapped Harry’s cheek once. “Fuck, why didn’t you turn? Are your glasses so bad you didn’t see a bloody tree in front of you?” Draco located his wand and managed to place a protection bubble around both to keep the snow from attacking them. When he was happy with the strength of the bubble he searched his brain for heating spells. Deciding on several he cast them on Harry, hoping that if Harry died people would know Draco tried to save him.
“Great, I’ve finally won and you’re unconscious, is this supposed to be my award? You can forget that I’ll use my winning to wish you awake, you’re not worth it.” Knowing he wasn’t qualified to take care of someone unconscious he sent a help signal towards the school, knowing someone would show up shortly.
“I just need to keep you alive until they get here. Unless you’re already dead, then I guess I’ll be in big trouble.” Harry hadn’t moved at all, and Draco couldn’t see his chest rising or falling through the thick uniform, something which worried him. “Please don’t be dead,” Draco begged as he reached for Harry’s outfit, trying to undo the parts which might reveal him being alive. “Fuck, you idiot, how could you be so blind?” he grunted.
Afraid that Harry Potter was actually dead, and that he would be blamed, even if a tree was the thing that killed him, Draco put his ear against Harry’s chest, praying that he was still alive. He couldn’t hear much thanks to the roaring wind, but he was able to notice some signs of life.
“Good, you’re still awake you blind idiot,” Draco spat, only to be startled when the almost dead body answered.
“I’m not blind.” Draco’s heart raced in his chest as he was shocked by the sudden sign of life, having feared the worst since the moment he discovered Harry’s lifeless body in the snow.
“You might think you're invincible having killed You Know Who so many times, but even you don’t have the power to pass through a tree.”
To his surprise Harry laughed, which ended with him groaning in pain a second later before he grabbed his ribs. Draco was glad he hadn’t tried to move Harry earlier all by himself, at least he didn’t cause more pain than Harry was already in.
“Did you catch the snitch?” Harry asked suddenly. There was no desire to gloat, but Draco knew lying would be worse. He reached for the golden ball from his pocket and held it in front of Harry, wondering how the hurt boy would react to a loss.
Harry stared at the snitch, then his eyes met Draco’s. There was no anger on his face, neither disappointment or any other emotion Draco might have had if Harry had been the one to win.
“So what do you want?”
Draco was surprised by the question, not having expected it to be one of the first things Harry thought about after a near death experience. Harry had of course had several near death experiences so he was far more used to it, unlike Draco who was still shaken up after fearing the worst.
“I don’t know,” he admitted.
Suddenly he remembered all those years ago when he hoped to make a friend out of the great Harry Potter, something that never happened. Blaming Weasley was the easiest thing to do, but Draco knew he was also a part of the reason why Harry didn’t want to be friends.
Occupied thinking about his prize for winning he didn’t notice the teachers who ran towards them before they burst through the bubble, asking both him and Harry questions about what happened and where it hurt and so on. Draco answered most of the questions before he moved out of the bubble, giving them the space they needed to move Harry to the infirmary.
All he could hope for right then was that Harry wasn’t too damaged, and that he wouldn’t be punished too severely.