Title: Comfort and Tidings of Joy
goddess47Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Prompt: Adapted from
themightyflynn: Harry arrives at Grimmauld Place exhausted and a bit broken after a tough mission that ends just before Christmas. He finds comfort from an incredibly unexpected person
Word Count: 1850
Rating: M (for PTSD)
Contains (Highlight to view): *Brief discussion of the death of small children; no ages or details given.*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Sorry, Flynn, I made some tweaks in your prompt. I hope you like it anyway!
Summary: "Potter, what are you doing lying on the floor?" Severus asked, sounding pained.
Harry sighed in frustration. Kreacher would let Severus in. Bloody hell. "It's comfortable?"
"Try again," Severus demanded.
"Did Kingsley send you?" Harry asked.
"No, but I heard about your case," Severus admitted. "It's of the utmost secrecy, so of course everyone knows what happened."