You're doing it a bit differently, but hmm. Interesting. If I ever found a journal on the subway I think most days I'd just leave it there. Tempting me like a fire, as you put it.
I could never do that myself, though. Sure, the thought of just leaving secrets here and there has a romantic kind of feeling to it, but I don't believe I'm interesting enough to have secrets that other people would care about. Or I doubt that I'd be able to express them in a way that would actually mean anything to somebody else.
Idunno :P I'm probably just too hard on myself. Either way, I'll keep my eyes open for people dropping their secrets from now on lol
i've actually got several of the post secret books.
Love to read them, and the way in which the postcards are decorated to emulate the messages written.
I'm nearly done another journal note book, and i always get this twinge when writing to just leave it some place when it's finished.
And who says that someone's secrets can't be interesting enough. I find that hard to believe, though i find everyone interesting, and often enough it's the things that people think at the most uninteresting about themselves that i find fascinating.
Comments 2
You're doing it a bit differently, but hmm. Interesting. If I ever found a journal on the subway I think most days I'd just leave it there. Tempting me like a fire, as you put it.
I could never do that myself, though. Sure, the thought of just leaving secrets here and there has a romantic kind of feeling to it, but I don't believe I'm interesting enough to have secrets that other people would care about. Or I doubt that I'd be able to express them in a way that would actually mean anything to somebody else.
Idunno :P I'm probably just too hard on myself. Either way, I'll keep my eyes open for people dropping their secrets from now on lol
Love to read them, and the way in which the postcards are decorated to emulate the messages written.
I'm nearly done another journal note book, and i always get this twinge when writing to just leave it some place when it's finished.
And who says that someone's secrets can't be interesting enough. I find that hard to believe, though i find everyone interesting, and often enough it's the things that people think at the most uninteresting about themselves that i find fascinating.
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