Dear Future Boyfriend

Nov 28, 2011 23:04

Just a few things, I would like to say to my future boyfriend. Credit to this tumblr

Dear Future Boyfriend,

Hi. It’s me, your future girlfriend. I know I don’t know who you are, but I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for accepting me and all of my flaws. I love all of yours. I honestly can’t wait to listen to music with you. Dance with you. Go on walks together. Hop in the car and drive around. I can’t wait to talk about life with you. I can’t wait to sit under the stars like I’ve always imagined doing. Thank you for putting up with all of my quirks and obsessions. Thank you for understanding me and for being there for me. Thank you for watching movies with me, while we pig out. Thank you for showing me off to the world and for not being ashamed. Thank you for loving me as much as I promise I will love you.

I think I’ve found you, but let’s make this short and simple;

I’m hoping you’re the reason why it never worked out with anyone else.

I’m lonely, but fiercely independent.

I’m scared, but unfazed.

I’m a contradiction.

But I’m a contradiction that needs you here.

Because maybe you’ll help me make sense.

I know you’re out there somewhere but please hurry before I give up. Before i give everything up. My dreams, my future, everything. I’m at my lowest and can’t take the emptiness and loneliness anymore. I’m going mad. Please hurry my love, before I do the unthinkable.

Love me for me, and please be true.
I don’t know how much longer I can wait for you, before I give up on love.

It may seem like the things in my life don’t affect me, but they do. When I tell you I’m OK, look into my eyes and ask again. You can never tell me that I’m beautiful too many times, and don’t say I love you right away, because I may not believe it. I love to have excuses to dress up. Never be afraid to show affection, even in public, if I do get uncomfortable I will tell you. I understand that people get into fights but please, just don’t hurt me. Ive had it enough in my short life.

I don’t know who you are. Maybe we’ve already met, maybe not. I just know that I can’t stand to wait much longer for you. There’s been so much going on in my life in the past few months, I really could have used you to help me through it all. But that’s okay, everything is finally coming together for me. Really, I think my life is the closest to perfect it’s ever been. I’m so ready to see you! I want you to hug and kiss me, to hold my hand at school. I want you to watch old disney movies with me, and to walk around with me along the water downtown. I won’t be the girlfriend who makes you pay for everything, I won’t expect you to be the perfect guy that does everything right. You don’t have to be Prince Charming, just don’t hurt me. Please.

I guess I should clarify that when I write boyfriend, I also mean best friend.  I don’t want to be yours just for the sake of being able to say I belong to someone. There’s a reason I’ve been waiting for you; you aren’t going to be just a phase or a crush.  I’m too careful with my heart to let that happen.

Please don’t get frustrated if it takes me a while to tell you things that I usually bury deep inside of myself.  I guess I’m just not used to being able to trust someone so completely.

I just want you to know that I’ve waited so long to find you… How much I’ve craved for you to hold me and trace my face with tenderness; to dance with me, hand on the small of my back.  To wrap your arms around my waist and kiss the nape of my neck.  I want to forget about time, forget about worries, nap in the afternoon, swim till we’re exhausted.  I want to have pictures of us together that aren’t staged, just true.  I want to look into your eyes and see a future that brings me peace.  To find the easy silence, the peaceful quiet.   I want to give you everything I am, and I want you to feel like you can do the same with me.

For us to last, you can’t be my whole life, but I want you to be the best part of it.  I don’t want a certain romance, a certain setting.  All I need is a heart that is kind and open to what I want to give it.  All I need is love, and all I’ve ever wanted is you.

I’m not very pretty, I hope that doesn’t bother you.

I’d be shocked if I were to ever call you mine. I know all the girls want you, and who wouldn’t? You’re smart, funny, not to mention handsome. However, everyone has their downsides, including you. You do drugs, which I don’t really like. You drink all the time, which isn’t all that attractive. But I don’t know, something about you just intrigues me. What I do know, is that we’re complete opposites, but we have a ton of stuff in common. Yeah, I’m that outgoing, bubbly chick always singing and you’re that laid back guy talking about his recent surfing escapades, but we’ve got a good thing going. We’re talking more, and definitely joking around more than we used to. I love how I can always expect you to joke around with me…about anything&everything. I love how you disregard people who like to make fun of us talking; in fact, I adore it. Please know that I will be the best girlfriend that I can be. I know that im inexperienced, and different from all the other girls you’ve been with…but I can assure you that I’m not temporary. I’m here to last forever. Just give me confirmation that you feel the same way. Please.


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