LJ Family:)

Dec 29, 2011 19:37

Mine is pretty small...but I am quite happy with my small family:)  Let me introduce them to you

glimmersofstars -She's my twinnie dongsaeng~ I think we have involuntarily devoted ourselves into introducing the TaeKey fandom with crack! TaeKey conversations oh by the way go follow our community divamushroom

95_jaymbee -she's technically my dongsaeng...but she's more like my favorite little OnTae stan:) She's my little muse. Though all her suggestions surround either fluffy OnTae or sexy rated OnTae.  You know I love you my little OnTae stan

secretscribe13- she's my creepy little stalker. Just kidding x) she's like the only friend I have that actually comes to visit me at work and entertains me for a good hour before she actually leaves. And you drive all the way from downtown just to visit me:) I feel loved^^

Yea...my family is quite small....i need to like stalk introductory posts here on LJ and make new friends here too Yea, I have other friends, but these 3 are like the only ones I actually talk to oftenXD Yea, i'm procrastinating right now and should be finishing my like 100 + physics questions
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