stole this from leigh who stole this from mary...
1. full name: Nicole Elizabeth Myers
2. birth place: Pittsburgh, PA
3. where you live now: Oakdale
4. age: 13 soon to be 14 on March 26
5. describe your house: Big and brick and ugly?
6. describe your town: Cool?
7. do you like where you live: No, which is why I'm moving duh?
8. if you could live somewhere else where would it be: Crafton, cuz I'd be living closer to Jeff ♥
9. do you have a g/f or b/f: Did =(
10. if so who: Uhm it WAS Jeff - dubb -
11. if not, how come: I guess I'm too much of a jelous person and call my b.f like too many times a
12. do you have a crush on someone: OMG yessss
13. if so who: Jeff...DUHHHHH!!
14. do you have any siblings: Yup
15. if so how old: 18
15. what school do you go to: West A fo sho
16. what grade are you in: 8th
17. do you like school: Not really, but I guess it's ok since my friends are there
18. do you play any sports: Is track a sport?
19. if so what do you play: I do track and will be doing softball
20. color: Pink and green
21. food: Chicken and pizza
22. sport to watch: Basketball or Football
23. sport to play: Basketball
24. place to hang out: Mall or friends' houses
25. place to visit: Cali
26. place to eat: Anywhere with good food
27. place to shop: American Eagle, and uhm wherever I see clothes that I like?
FRIENDS (same sex):
28. funniest: Leigh ann, and Rachel and Amy
29. cutest: Leigh ann
30. loudest: Rachel or Leigh ann
31. most annoying: Alexis =X..sorry I still love you though
32. most outgoing: Rachel
33. most fun to be around: All of them
34. most like you: Alexis
35. total opposite of you: Danielle
36. most in common with: All of them I guess cuz there my friends
37. friend for the longest: Marie
38. friends the least longest: Mariah
FRIENDS (opposite):
39. funniest: Brandon or Jeff
40. cutest: Jeff
41. loudest: Chris
42. most annoying: Chris
43. most outgoing: Jeff
44. most fun to be around: Brandon
45. most like you: Brandon
46. total opposite of you: Chris
47. want to date: Jeff =(
48. have dated before: Jeff, and Brandon and Mike
49. most in common with: Brandon
50. friends with the longest: Brandon
51. friends with the least longest: Jeff or Pabs. Oh yesm
Do you
52. have a job: Nope
53. do chores: Not really
54. volunteer: Nope
55. like lil kids: Haha yes, remember leigh at " CHILDCARE? "
56. like going to parties: Kinda
57. like reading: Yeah
58. like swimming: It's ok
59. like football: Oh yes
60. like baseball: It's ok
61. like volleyball: Ya
62. like tennis: No, it's gay
63. like wrestling: Nope
64. like badmitton: Huh
65. like English: I like speaking it, but other than that no
66. like pe: Ew no
67. like history: It's alright
68. like math: Noooo
69. like being outside: When it's warm
70. think cheerleading is a sport: Yes
71. cheerleading or drill team is better: Cheerleading
Have you ever
72. smoked: Nope
73. drank: A little, but my parents were there
74. did drugs: Nope
75. kissed someone on the lips: Uh huh
76. kissed someone anywhere else besides the cheek: Obviously if I answered yes to the lips thing
77. hit someone forcefully: Haha ya
78. cussed: Fuck yes
79. lied: Yeah, who hasn't?
80. skipped school: Lol ya
81. skipped something else: Uhmmm I dunno
82. broke someone's heart: I think
83. got your heart broken: Yes!!!
84. made out with someone: Yupp
85. if so who: A couple of people
86. ever went against what your parents said: Omg ya
87. took someone else's advice: Ya
88. describe house: Somewhere where there will be other people around
89. describe job: Modeling or FBI
90. describe family: Husband.. and maybe kids?
91. # of kids: 1
92. kids names (if any): Girl- Paris..LOL I'm not copying Leigh ann ;).
93. describe the person you live with: Someone that's super hott but ain't all cocky about it, and someone that loves me and never will leave me
Other stuff
94. nicknames: Nikkie Myers, Nemo, Nikkie Durr, Nick, Ka-nicky, Bambie ( dad calls me that )
95. # of people on buddy list: Like 170
96. kind of messengers you have: AIM
97. annoyed by this survey yet: No
98. why did you do it: Boredom
99. how long did it take you: 15 minutes
100. were you doing anything else besides this: Nope
101. are you tired yet: Ya
102. are you glad its almost done: yes.