Jan 07, 2006 17:09
Since minihaha has come up in a couple of journals recently, I shall regale you with the story of how minihaha came about.
When I was around 20 years old I had my first non-high school boyfriend. We were at his place one evening watching a movie... I was lying on my stomach and he was giving my back and legs a massage. At one point his hand got awfully close to my coochie area and, being still really quite innocent and shy, I giggled and glanced nervously at him. He looked at me with complete innocence (like it was an accident and I actually bought the act) and asked, "Did I just touch your minihaha??" I laughed and asked what a minihaha was, to which he replied, "I call vaginas' minihahas because they look like little laughing mouths."
Fast forward to 2001 when I went to Minneapolis to meet a bunch of gals from an online group I used to belong to called The Postcard Fairy Network. We were driving down a highway in Minneapolis and I saw a sign that said "Lake Minnehaha Next Exit". I burst out laughing... it'd been so long since I'd heard that word and I had forgotten about it after more than 10 years. So of course I had to share the "minihaha" story with the gals in the car and there was born my Bad Fae name. (Good Fae name of course being "B"). So I adopted it as part of my email and my Live Journal name and there you have it!
A little bit of minihaha... a little bit of "B"... and that is what makes up delightful ME!
weird wacky wild whoa wtf,