additionally, I hate empty subject headers

Nov 22, 2010 14:19

betenoire_rp: I have no idea what I'm doing, since the metaplot has more or less cockblocked the miniplot I was going to do with Sol. The thought of dropping has crossed my mind a couple of times, but I just got a castmate and I truly love the game. I'll probably just wait until the metaplot gets into gear and then make a reaction post or something, I don't know. In the meantime, hopefully something else will come up to keep me occupied.

I've also pretty much decided this is going to be a one character game for me. There's others I want to app there, but honestly? The game overwhelms me a little sometimes, so I think sticking to just one would be best.

mayfield_rpg: Seriously considering dropping. I just can't seem to get into it this time around. I'll probably try to stick it out until December, but if I still can't muster up any enthusiasm then, I'll go ahead and drop.

rubycity_rp: Enjoying myself here. I might drop Lambda though? Her voice has been shaky for the past few weeks for me. I'll try canon reviewing her before I make any decisions, but... I'm not really sure what else to do with her, either. I have eventual plans for Oichi, and short term ones for Reisen, but I just...don't know about Lambda. I don't want to drop her since I'm really enjoying her CR, but ;;

clairbourn & eastern_story: I want to do stuff here, but I have no idea what to post and the games move so slowly there's nothing for me to respond to. What do?

So! In other news, I went out and bought soap the other day. Immediately after using it in the shower today, I broke out into hives. FML.

Also, I started trying to read NXE again (again). I'm on chapter 3.4 right now. It's 15,000 words long. Normally, this would be enough to crush my spirit and make me give up, but since I'm almost halfway through it, I feel like I have to go all the way and finish this damn fic. So, once again, FML.

When I'm feeling less lazy, I will post excerpts of the particularly vile bits here. Because, dammit, I want someone to suffer with me.
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