Title: And the Death Eaters Took Everything...
Author: Mini Luv
Pairing Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Death, Dark!fic
Word Count: Just over 1K
Summary: Harry doesn't know how to define his relationship he has with Draco. All he knows is that when he hurts, Draco helps, and with the pain of the war around him, Harry needs that.
It's hard to say exactly how their relationship first began. There was a war, there was fighting, there was death. Harry was never sure which side Malfoy was on, because the things he'd seen showed that Malfoy didn't want anything to do with it, and yet there he was, with the other Slytherins.
It was before Voldemort was defeated, and after the Death Eaters had lost a lot of strength. There Harry had stood, watching a young boy's eyes grow wide as his parents' lives left their bodies. Malfoy had fallen to the ground and sobbed and Harry was cursed with a sudden moment of guilt, intense and disturbing.
His wand clattered as it hit the floor, his knees cracked as they gave way. Crawling, he made his way to the boy, crying almost as much as him. He'd never thought he could do this; make someone watch their parents die.
He was exactly like Voldemort.
Tried to hold Malfoy, tried to comfort him, but a swift blow to the face was all he got as the other boy ran away. Harry heard him slam the door shut behind him.
The Aurors tried to go after him, but Harry stopped them. He's not worth it, he said, he's not bad like the others.
It was a week later when Malfoy appeared on his doorstep, disheveled and bleary eyed. Help, he wanted, a place to stay, safety. Harry was all too glad to oblige; anything to make that sad look on his face go away. Anything.
Draco lived with them in Grimmauld Place. It was expected that there would be fighting, distrust, but everyone was too tired and beaten to care about the blonde in their midst. He went remarkably unnoticed. After a month Harry awoke to find Draco perching on his bed, staring pensively at the wall.
He felt Harry stir and looked down at him. His face seemed oddly vacant, as though in preparation for something he'd emptied himself completely.
"What's wrong?" He'd asked, sitting up and reaching for his glasses. Draco had let out a shaky breath, lifting a shaking hand to Harry's cheek and resting it there.
Harry closed his eyes and sighed. He reached out, wrapping his hand around the base of Draco's arm and trying to ignore the nagging suspicions of wrong and why now.
This felt so nice.
As Draco's lips met his own, his last thoughts had been of the way Draco's eyes had sparkled in the low light.
After that they had become an unmentioned couple. Everyone knew they slept in the same bed, but there wasn't really time to discuss things like relationships when their lives were always in so much danger.
In fact, Harry himself rarely had time to think about the weird thing that was their relationship. How had they come to want each other in such an intimate way?
Such questions would have to wait. For now, he was happy being with someone and touching someone and feeling safe for small amounts of time.
Safe wasn't something they all felt often. The war was getting steadily worse and it was starting to seem like they were on the losing side. No matter what they did, the Death Eaters seemed to outsmart their every move.
Maybe it was because they were children playing an adult's game.
Harry grew slightly worried by the sometimes distressed way that Draco carried himself, by the burdened look of his face. Draco knew they weren't doing well, and he knew that meant he was in danger.
Harry just wished he could make him feel better, happier. He tried distracting him with silly little presents, but they only seemed to make things worse. Sometimes, after sex, Harry felt like Draco was disgusted with himself for his actions. When Harry asked, Draco refused to answer, merely rolling over on his side.
Then Harry lost Ginny.
He'd been distraught. One of his oldest friends, no, his sister, was dead. Someone had told the Death Eaters where she'd been living. Harry and Ron had tried to talk her out of moving out of Grimmauld Place, but she'd been claustrophobic and unwilling to stay.
And now she was dead.
Delirious with pain, Harry had stumbled into his room, looking for some comfort, looking for Draco. He needed Draco then, he needed someone to make him feel whole again. Someone to hold him while he cried.
Draco wasn't there. Frustrated and bordering on crazed, he'd picked up the mattress and thrown it. Encouraged by the rush he felt flowing through his limbs he'd slammed a lamp against the wall, crushed the porcelain mirror above his dresser. Panting and fatigued, he'd paused to regain his senses. While leaning against the wall and surveying his handiwork, his eyes had landed on the bed frame.
It was covered with paper.
With shaking hands he'd lifted letter by letter and inspected them not believing what he read. Perhaps the tears were impairing his vision, making him see things that weren't there.
"Harry, what on Earth-" Draco had stopped, noticing the parchment in Harry's hand and the tears streaking his face.
Harry lunged forward, grabbing the boy and slamming him against the wall.
"How could you, we protected you, we helped you!" Shaking the unresponsive Draco, Harry began to sob pitifully. He fell forwards against him, grasping at the boy's shirt and leaning his face into his chest.
This body had always comforted him, held him, made him feel loved. Even now, for some sick, perverse reason, he could still find comfort in Draco.
Obviously Draco didn't feel the same way.
He shoved Harry away, curling his lip in disgust.
"You killed my parents," he spat. "You murdered them. I watched you take them from me and you honestly think I could care for you. God, you're stupid, Potter."
Harry had landed near the bed frame, smacking his side into the sharp metal. Ignoring the pain, he'd pulled his knees to his chest, crying into his patched jeans.
"You told them everything. You sent them letters you… you killed Ginny…you…" Harry stopped, his throat constricting to the point where speech was no longer possible.
Draco scoffed. "Of course I did, I owled Aunt Batty everything she wanted to know. There was one way to get the really important information, the stuff that you wouldn't have otherwise trusted me with. So I let you fuck me, and in return you let me in on everything that was happening. Yeah, I'm the reason the stupid bitch is dead and-" Draco was interrupted by a sharp pain in his abdomen, directly above his pelvis. He thought he could feel his kidney being punctured.
Harry looked down at the blood dripping from his hands, at the sharp piece of glass from his splintered mirror.
"Tell me you love me," he said, looking up again into those shocked eyes. Harry swore they were sparkling again, just like the first night.
Draco shook his head and tried to reach out and grab Harry. His hands fell to his sides weakly, and he slowly sunk to floor, Harry lowering along with him.
"Tell me you love me," Harry repeated, twisting the glass and receiving a deep gasp in return.
"I love you," Draco whispered, his eyes pleading.
Harry's hands loosened their grip on the glass and he stroked Draco's face, smearing blood on his cheeks.
"I love you, too," he said, grinning widely. "I love you so much, Draco. We can work through this, I know we can."
Draco nodded wildly. "Yes, we can, Harry, we can work this out, I love you."
Harry closed his eyes against the angry tears. "I think you're going to die," he whispered, pulling Draco closer.
It was then Draco started to sob. "Please, no, please, Harry!" he cried, digging his nails into the other boy's back.
Harry frowned. "No, you don't understand, I think it's too late to save you, I don't think I can heal this. I can't believe the Death Eaters did this. First Ginny and- and- and now-" Harry stopped, trying to calm his breathing. "And now they had to come and murder you, too. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
Draco's eyes grew wide as he tried to buck Harry off of him, anything to get this man away from him.
"Don't worry, Draco, I'll hold you 'till you pass. You won't die alone, I promise.
I love you."