Title: I cant take this much longer...[[standalone]]
minimcrislovePairing: Frank+Gee
Rating: G
POV: Frank
Summary: Crazy...but for you
Disclaimer: dont own...if i did...i'd be a /little/ busy
Author Notes: none
Warnings: none
Ever since I laid eyes on you,
I’ve felt more stable.
Ever since I touched you,
I’ve felt…better
Ever since I hugged you and told you ‘I don’t want you to die’
I’ve needed you.
I cant take it
You know I cant…
Why do you do this?
Am I your toy?
Just your little…play thing?
It gets me frustrated
It makes me want to kill.
It makes me unstable.
I cant control myself much longer.
If I end up killing someone or hurting someone I am sorry
I cant take this much longer
You know I cant.
Its physically impossible
Today they put me back in the asylum
He said it would just be until we went on tour.
I’ve kept waiting.
I know you feel the heat.
And the passion.
And how much I /burn/ to know your love.
I cant do this anymore
Today they let me out.
The first thing I did was run to you.
You thought I was scared.
You pitied me.
You hugged me gently
I feel more stable.
I still cant take this anymore
Today you told me you really liked me.
I confessed as well.
I don’t really like you.
I love you.
You make me feel safe.
Something about your arms around me.
Makes me feel totally complete
Absolutely stable.
In a way I haven’t felt in nearly twenty years.
I actually trust someone.
I would trust you with my life.
I DO trust you with my life.
I feel complete.
I feel stable.
I feel…at peace.