I can finish writing out my notes by 10AM. 11AM the latest. Bathe and leave the house by 12PM. Read notes for 3 hours and then sit for the exam. I can do this. :D I am so wide awake. It's the coffee I tell you. Gonna get more before the exam. c: Teehee. 21 hours and counting. I wonder how long I can last. Next time, I'll try without any stimulant.
During the first week of the holidays, I plan to dye my hair pitch black (natural colour is brown). We'll see what I'll do from then on. I might bleach again, to a lighter shade of blonde. Hahaha. I think I'm mad. Okay. Yea.
I don't remember the words, but now when I think back, I feel like crying. It kind of hurts a lot. Moreover, I do think that I am overly sensitive
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