I'm a flasher now.

Nov 09, 2008 08:06

My first geocaching flash mob event.

Yesterday was the first time I participated in a unique Geocaching tradition called the World Wide Flash Mob event.   In countries, provinces and states all over the world geocachers gathered.  Suddenly.   For 15 minutes only.  And then they were gone.   It happens every year at a predetermined local time and place.   It's usually somewhere high traffic where there are lots of "Muggles" who would wonder what the hell is going on.  We like to mess with their heads.

Yesterday the event in Halifax was held at a small park on a busy corner across from the public gardens.

The idea of a Flash Mob event is that everyone mills around the area (Ground Zero) pretending to be just ordinary folks...walking our dogs, playing with the kids, sitting and reading, jogging...etc so that we blend in with the Muggles.

At 2PM exactly we all converge on Ground Zero as quickly as possible.

This naturally makes all the nearby Muggles stop and gawk and wonder what the hell is going on.   We had people stop on the sidewalk and take pictures, we had people run away, we had people whip out their cell phones and start calling to tell people of the mob assembing downtown or to take pictures.

Only one or two brave souls actually came up to us and asked us what we were doing.   They left mighty curious about the sport of geocaching saying that they were going to look up the website when they got home.  *Mission Accomplished*

About 8 minutes after we assemble they hand out "door prizes".

This year's theme was "hunter orange" (as if you couldn't tell) and prizes were given out based on the get ups people wore.  Keep in mind the speed this is all happening in.   Even the dogs wore hunter orange.

Then we all quickly moved on to the group photo.

You try assembing a group of 110 adults, kids and dogs to get a decent picture in under a minute.

Then it was on to the event feast.

We dined in style on left over Hallowe'en mini chocolate bars and juice packs.   Here you can see them being served.

Then 15 minutes after we quickly assembled "TIME!!" was called and just like that...we all turned and left.

As if nothing had happened.

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