[The feed turns on and -- hey Edgeworth, why the tired face?]
Er-- good evening, everyone. Pess kept insisting that I make this post and tell everyone that her egg hatched.
[And with that, he pans the camera to show --- the tiniest Growlithe baby in the world, chewing contentedly on Edgeworth's ribbon.]
And I bring you.....Pip! )
Ahhh, Pip-san is really cute, Miles-kun! Pess-san must be proud.
I'm not sure what I'm getting my Pokemon. Maybe... maybe I'll make them something nice to eat or something. [Cooking. Just about all Misaki is good for.]
(( Pfffft! Oh, Ace Attorney fanon, you sometimes make me smile and cringe. XD ))
[[ Iknorite? xD There are some major "wtf" concepts out there... owo ;; ]]
(( The craziest of fandoms I think. XD But that's half of the reason why we love it...?))
[[True, true. xD We all need to laugh sometimes.]]
It's not thatI don't have faith in myself..
You should at least hope for the best and do what you can then. No need to dwell on the 'what ifs' right now.
Coming to this world, his life was a sea of 'what if's, after all. A future he didn't want to face, a past he couldn't change... and knowledge that, if he could keep upon returning home, he could use to change the dark future that lay ahead for many people. Mr. Hammond, Yanni Yogi.. Phoenix - even himself.]
...I'll do my best.
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