Cosplay Picnic 2009 Report, Part 1/2

Jun 14, 2009 20:15

Event: Cosplay Picnic 2009 (June 13, 2009)
Tally: 144 images (132 Hetalia-related pff), 6 videos --- 149 total
... This was reduced from 330+ images orz
Roughly half of the stuff will be in this report, the rest in Part 2
Photographers: minjii , juurabu ,
spartan_142, little_finch and carpetteknyghte
KoreaIguess - minjii
mafia!Romano -
Norway - spartan-142
Belgium -
England -
Finland -
Sealand - caitlinneko
Denmark - kiraito
China - ...asked for me to not disclose her name >_>
Sweden - human-nosferatu
tallerRussia -
smallerRussia -
America - carpetteknyghte

Jan - Soul
Chelsea - Death The Kid
Both are members of SHYJ
Missed the Stein, Chrona, among others pfft-

... You'll see

Now on to the report!

I have to admit ... there was an INTENSE LOAD of Nordic-related stuff going on so most of the images will be of the such. If BL, groping, Prussian hugging (see links in question for reference), and random crack/lulz is not your cup of tea, feel free to turn away.

A friend, Romano, Norway, and I set off to the islands! Were late but who wasn't?

Romano looks so thoughtful here. Maybe plotting a hit. )8

Ahh the sea~

Are you plotting to kill a certain Scandination, Norway? (Well.. by the end of the day, you'll have many reasons to)

Was setting up our picnic blanket until...
What's going on here?

My friend Jody and I decide to leave them be and tackle the Belgium that was across from the picnic field!
Oh btw, Romano was only just fixing Norway's bow. 8)

She was excited to see more Hetalia nations on the picnic grounds. We saw her leave for the ferry before us so I guess it's the fault of our timing that she was alone. We introduce her to Romano and Norway once we finish chatting. And thanks to this image here, we thought we should snap a Belgium+Romano photo. Aren't they adorable? ♥

Belgium drags Norway and our friend to play some sort of hitting/passing game with some plush of some sort--
Yes I suck at explaining. Pfft.

Meanwhile, siesta for Romano! (Hey. Give me back my book.)

Mafia!Belgium? ♥

Sweden, Denmark, and Finland finally arrive. It was time to prep, food et al. Looking good, Sweden!

Denmark disrupts Sweden for an epic flag battle. Only lasts a short bit. More later.

Kalmar Union, anyone?

... + a Finland

Allo, Russia!

... Looks like Sweden's about to whack Russia with that flag of his.

Yum, Sweden-made blueberry soup.

D'awww. ♥

And another flag war!

Footage captured by our Norway.

England and America being all cool~

PrussianDanish hugging, anyone? Norway tried to fight back but failed in the end. Poor guy.

After a little chase right after, Denmark offers to piggyback Norway back to the picnic area.

And stop! It's burger time! (Obviously pictures were taken at different times, looking at the burger)
(... Unless America really ate that fast.)

And soup time.

Stop disturbing his meals, Denmark. >8

Romano, gimme number aru.

Random America shot.

Denmark loves chasing Norway. Norway loves running away. Would you believe this occurred over five tumes? The following shots was sorta right after one of them. They run at the same pace so Norway was always ahead, if with a head start. Following pictures had them slow down and.. Denmark being sneaky. Everyone missed what happened after but I guess we'll find out later. Go zoom in go! But boo to random passerbys, haha.

After a while, everything is back to normal, yada yada yada.

... Danish chaos resumes as per usual. I seriously lose count how many times Norway gets attacked by Denmark throughout the entire convention at this point in time. Same goes for Sweden, or anyone else for that matter. Haha.

Norway was eventually freed butthatdidn'tlastlongatalll.

Aaaand normalcy returns!

... Until suddenly the Paper Bag Princess appears to chat with the gang.

Some time later, Denmark feels his energy returning and--

You'd think they'd get tired of this but that was not the case.

Lol what, Denmark then chooses to attack one of the Russias.

Caitlin, our Sealand, finally arrives, and the family just had to greet her before she went off to change.

Now. For the main event.
The main attraction.


Ok. Not really. I just found it funny how Norway took that image and made it seem like such.
But we still have a treeSweden~

... and a Dane with an axe.


Suddenly, Simon and smallerRussia want to join but sorta fail.

Inu Yasha joins, climbing the tree with (obvious) ease.

I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!


Danes aren't climbers, they're choppers. Yeah. Back to the axe.

Norway captures the scenario on camera!

"LOVE ME(, Norway!)"
(For those who don't know the series the ladies in pink are... it's Kyoko and Moko*x 2?* from Skip Beat, in the Love Me outfits)


One last silly video before the end of the report---


pictures, hetalia, cosplay

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