the rats keep winning the rat race

Feb 17, 2012 19:29

More fun from the questions meme!

1) What are drongoisms and why are they important to you?
That's a holdover interest on my LJ from the Disc RP days. Adrian Turnipseed had a few turns of phrase that got dubbed 'Drongoisms,' and so.

2) What was the best thing about growing up in Ohio? What was the worst thing?
Best thing: The WEBN fireworks and the Renaissance Festival. The fireworks are absolutely amazing, when you're there, and the Ren Fest is fun (and we've been going since I was six or so; one of the recurring acts knows us on sight).
Worst thing: There really isn't much to go and do. Which may just be my relative lack of interest in a face-to-face social life speaking, but.

3) Has there ever been a fandom that everyone got into and you just couldn't? If so, what was it and why couldn't you?
Sandman. I just... have no head for comic books, even when I know they're not ongoing and I can in fact get my hands on the whole thing at once. The only comic books I own are Calvin and Hobbes or Far Side collections, and The Five Fists of Science, which is a one-shot. I tried Sandman when I was first getting into Gaiman and Pratchett, and... meh? It just didn't take.

4) Conversely, has there ever been a fandom that you feel changed your life? If so, what was it and how did it do so?
They all have, in some way. Daria got me writing, and thinking I could be good at it; Good Omens got me into RP; Discworld deepened that; and Rent got me talking to
quinby. Of those four, Rent takes the cake by far, but I can't pick just one.

5) What is your favorite anime or manga, and why?
I actually don't have one. Much like comic books, I just... can't get my head in the game. I've tried a few, but never fallen in love with any of them.

6) What annoys you the most?
Right now? People assuming that because I'm not doing the exact same thing they would do/are doing in a similar situation, I'm doing it wrong and obviously don't mean it.

7) You have been selected to write a book/TV show/film that is a sequel to or spin-off of one that you already love. What book, TV show or film do you pick, who or what is its focus, and how does it differ from the original?
My icon choice is steering me toward Dr. Horrible. There would be more of the ladies and I would find some way to bring Penny back without it being a total catastrophe. Of course, whether she'd choose to stay resurrected or want much to do with Doc's plans for global domination is another matter...

1. Name something you have in common with each of your current pups.
Cata: Low threshold for putting up with people who don't know what they're talking about.
Sam: When I have a task before me, I will Get It Done.
Claudia: Geekery, of course. And a tendency to run my mouth when I shouldn't. (I mean it when I say I see myself in her, both good and bad.)
Apollo: A love of music.
(Rebecca: Reservations coming out my ears when it comes to major changes.)

2. Warehouse 13 vs. Torchwood. Which would you rather have confiscating your stuff?
Warehouse 13 by a long shot, partly because I never got into Torchwood.

3. If you were cast in a production of Rent, which role would you most want to play? (Assume gender and ethnicity aren't factors.)
I have a... thing about singing in front of people, that thing being where I don't want to do it, so I'd be perfectly happy as a Random Background Bohemian.

4. What's your favorite snack food?
There are these rice chips at the local grocery that are absolutely wonderful, when I have the spare money to get them.

5. Is there anything you miss about Hex?
APPLEWORKS. It was the word processor of my heart when it was still ClarisWorks, and I miss it, even though Word is likely a better thing for me to have at this point in my life (AppleWorks doesn't have a .doc format).

6. Hit "Shuffle" on your MP3 player of choice. Whatever the third song is, write about when and how you first heard it.
"Good Intentions" - Toad the Wet Sprocket
Had this been "Walk on the Ocean," the story would be a bit more interesting; one of my day care teachers played that one to lead us into nap time. "Good Intentions," though, was just a case of 'we got the CD and that was on it.' I think I was in high school at the time.

7. If someone made a movie of your life so far, who would you want to play you (assuming you can't play yourself)?
This was a yearbook question in high school (the theme was movies, and the senior class got to fill out a little thing about the subject). I said Eliza Dushku then and I think that still works all right.

Originally posted at DW;
there. Comment wherever you'd like.

to any passing fad

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