Title: A sore loser seeks revenge
Pairing: Siwan/Luhan (SiHan/LuWan?)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack, Romance
Disclaimer: I only own the plot in this fanfic, the boys belong to themselves.
A/N: My first EXO fic, though it only has one member in it. Also my first crossover.
Summary: (
Luhan does not like to lose. Siwan gets to finds out just how much. )
Comments 2
At first, I thought it said "Siwon" but then I realized it was Siwan and mind blown because I pictured Lulu and him together and wowowowowowowowowow. two pretty boys together omg. i'm sooo excited for the sequel because omg smut with two pretty boys??? askhdsjfhkjsdfs.
ok bye. (((((((((: ♥
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