HP meme

Jan 17, 2011 15:58


For things that you have done, bold it.
For things that you have either thought about or have stopped yourself from doing, italicise.
For things that you haven't done, leave them plain.

Each person who does the meme should add one line to each category, and it should be something that you have either done or thought about. This should be interesting. :D

1. You call for your house-elf but no one shows up
2. You wave your pencil at the dishes and exclaim "Scourgify"!
3. You sort your friends into Houses < but only when asked to. We did it the other day in line for something…Melissa was Slyth and D was Gryff. D got out an insult to Puff before I managed to tell her I was a Hufflepuff. xD
4. You refer to other people as Muggles
5. You think Apparating would be a great time saver and beat traffic < and I wouldn’t have to worry about crashing or getting lost…just getting Splinched. On second thought, maybe I’ll stick with driving.
6.  You have tried Apparating
7.  You have stuck your head in the fireplace and called your friend's house
8.  You send owls instead of email
9.  You refer to computer glitches as Dark Magic
10. You mutter "Lumos" every time you light a candle
11. You have tried to get into your house using the Alohomora spell
12. You pretend you are playing Quidditch while sweeping the kitchen
13.  You've tried to Accio the remote control < Accio would be the best thing everrrr. But my fantasy-reality divide stops me actually attempting spells, I just sort of stare at the objects I wish I could summon and wish Accio was real
14.  You believe the glass ornaments on the Christmas tree are really prophecies
15.  You fangirl Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy < Whyyy is this necessary to be a Potterphile?
16.  You believe fountains can come to life < …er? What is that referencing, again?
17.  You have entered 62442 in a red phone booth in the hopes of finding the Ministry of Magic
18.  You refer to large spiders as Aragog  -  Acromantulas, actually
19.  You have tried to turn animals back into people and vice versa
20.  You refer to your enemies as Death Eaters
21. You have used a 'Merlin' epithet in public, such as 'Merlin's beard!' or 'What in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y-fronts was that about?' < under my breath, almost certainly

*22. You have a wand.

1.  Bunnies are stories, not garden mammals
2.  Making up funny sounding words is completely acceptable
3.  You stop and wonder if you are acting OOC
4.  You know what Dramione is and worship Fire and Ice  < is fire and ice another one of those terrible flowery ship names, like Scottish Fire for Ginny/Oliver? (dunno where I heard that one but it’s always stuck in my head).
5.  You ship yourself with your favorite characters
6.  You are your favorite character, down to the mole on your back
7.  You visit the HPL at least once a day to check "facts" (ONLY NOW IT’S THE WIKI) < only wiki includes movie and game canon without alerting you it’s not book canon. not cool, man.
8.  You PM your beta every day < not gonna lie, though, I have anyone who’s beta’d for me on stalkerwatch on AIM. I’m not proud.
9.  You know what a beta actually is
10.  You find yourself describing your friends as happy!Susan or angry!John
11. You check your MNFF account hourly because reviews = love
12.  Your OTP is OOC but that's OK because it's AU 
13.  You know what OTP, OOC, and AU actually mean
14. Your favourite character dying in a chaptered fic that you follow has the ability to ruin your day.

*15. You start talking about a Harry Potter character mentioned only in interviews or even the epilogue - a next gen character, perhaps - and suddenly realize that whoever you’re talking to is looking at you funny because they’ve never heard of this Harry Potter character.

1.  You dream slash and rarepairs
2.  You call your husband Aberforth in bed (EUUUH. NOT SURE WHERE THAT CAME FROM) < agreed. Yuck. Couldn’t it have been Sirius or something? Someone not old and scuzzy?
3.  Your wand is more than just a wand
4.  Your calendar has Smut Friday circled in red with hearts and smileys
5.  You ship yourself with ladiesman! Sirius
6.  Student/teacher no longer conjures mental images of the PTA
7.  You love to ride your broom.  While sweeping of course.
8.  You love a good hooked nose and a greasy hair < why is this so slythlover-centric? And surely even rabid Snape-lovers see greasy hair as a flaw?
9.  A gasp means much more than fear and surprise.
10. Broomclosets are perfectly acceptable spots for heated snogging sessions
12. You have plot bunnies for at least three Professors-rated fics, all of which have some sort of sex scene that you can't seem to cull down.

*13. [I honestly can’t think of one. Someone please take pity and give me one xD]

The first and third sections of the meme weren't really ones that applied so much to me. For the first one...I'd feel really silly doing most of that, especially on my own - I can see myself pretending to do some of it as a joke during a conversation or something, but otherwise the whole thing makes me think of that show thing on youtube..."Scarhead", with the crazy HP fan who acts like she thinks she's a witch half the time and wears a Gryffindor uniform, robes and all, to school every day. Third one...well, y'all know me. =) I try to keep my mind out of the gutter.

fanfiction, harry potter, meme, fanfic

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