02. 101 IN 1001

Dec 31, 2008 19:50

I found this great little community from the LJ Spotlight and it was such a great idea I had to do it! You make a list of 101 things to complete in 1001 days. You have from January 1st 2009 to September 29th 2011.

01. Pay off all debts.
02. Start paying on school loans.
03. Travel out of the states.
04. Go skydiving.
05. Take a dance class.

06. Learn how to sail.
07. Not throw up on my 21st birthday [June 09].
08. Read 1 book per month - for fun.
09. Go 3 of 5 semesters with no C's (those harder classes like physics, you just can't bypass!)
10. Make sure my family & friends know that I love them.

11. Donate to charity.
12. Try to keep more positive.
13. Try to swear less.
14. Don't do any drugs.
15. Don't smoke.

16. L.J. post at least once a week, no matter how busy I am or out of town.
17. Keep my closet organized.
18. Fold the laundry as soon as it is done.
19. Put the laundry away as soon as it is done.
20. Keep my savings no less than $300.

21. Call home once a week.
22. Eat healthier.
23. Take time for myself.
24. Make one new friend a month.
25. Take one road trip per year, even if its only 8 hours away.

26. Exercise more.
27. Find a church I enjoy.
28. Go to church at least once a month.
29. Help my brother with college decisions.
30. Be there for my sister more than I am.

31. Strengthen my relationship with my mother.
32. Drink more fluids - not just only when I go out to eat.
33. Cook at home more.
34. Take more pictures.
35. Keep in touch with old friends.

36. Get a great Internship different from where I live (out east?! :))
37. Get up early for a whole month.
38. Keep up on my Spanish.
39. Stop saying no so much.
40. Be more open & honest.

41. Learn how to play my guitar.
42. Color more.
43. Study more for tests, not just the night before.
44. Find a university activity/sport and stick with it.
45. Be there for my friends, no matter the circumstances.

46. Make it home for my brothers graduation.
47. Not cry during my brothers graduation ceremony.
48. Go to a winery with my mother.
49. Wear my glasses more often.
50. Go to 5 concerts; even ones I would be embarrassed to be at.

51. Get a professional massage.
52. Find my star I got for my 20th birthday in the sky.
53. Learn how to put on eyeliner.
54. Wear heels for an entire day.
55. Buy something cool from etsy.com

56. Buy something ridiculously expensive.
57. Write more letters by hand. (pen pal?)
58. Mail out those letters I write.
59. Send out Christmas cards with a letter update.
60. Design the most perfect house.

61. Volunteer.
62. Go out for coffee once a month.
63. Unpack everything I own so nothing is left in boxes.
64. Watch the news at least once a week.
65. Stop impulse buying at Walmart/Target.

66. Get a pedicure.
67. Get a manicure.
68. Answer my emails as soon as I get them, no more procrastinating.
69. Subscribe to Cosmo so I can stop looking for it every time I am in the store!
70. Be a vegetarian one day a week.

71. Stop eating after 8 pm.
72. Be the best roommate I can be.
73. Keep a change jar.
74. Keep up to date with my planner/calander.
75. Send a postcard to Post Secret.

76. Visit a new state.
77. Go to a movie once a month.
78. Keep paying my bills early - at least a month ahead of time.
79. Try an outragous hair color, even if its for a day.
80. Stop biting my nails.

81. Take one photograph every day, at the end of the week post all 7 photos in LJ and describe the day.
82. Give blood.
83. Make a video and post it on YouTube.
84. Get something new every time I go out (unless I run out of options!)
85. Spend a day in PJ's watching TV reruns & eating junk food - no electronic interuptions.

86. Post in all LJ communities I am apart of once a month.
87. Start my fishtank up again, and keep it going.
88. Visit an Art Museum.
89. Clean out my car once a month.
90. Do the dishes every day.

91. Learn how to make decisions - I'm too indecisive.
92. Don't ignore problems, take them as they come.
93. Communicate more.
94. Be the best friend I can be for all of my friends.
95. Be happy with myself.

96. Learn something new.
97. Visit more of my relatives.
98. Look forward.
99. Keep the scrapbook going.
100. Make a new list in 2012.

101. Complete this list.

101 of 1001

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