Title: I'm Lost
Pairing: Kyumin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: He knew it was going to be hard joing Super Junior M but they needed another person. Now along with Eunhyuk, his best friend, he was sure he was going to be fine. Of course, neither of them now how to speak mandarin.
Sungmin walked into the dorms late at night after a long and tiring schedule. Soo Man-ssi really over worked him. He sighed as he went into his and Kyuhyun's shared room, the maknae was still on the computer.
"Kyuhyun-ah..." the maknae didn't look up, instead he hummed.
"Yah you should really get some sleep." He yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes.
Kyuhyun stopped his game of starcraft and turned to look at Sungmin who was in the middle of changing into his one piece pink doraemon pajamas.
"Oh hyung!" Kyuhyun quickly turned back around and covered his eyes with both of his palms.
"haha! What? It's only me...who told you to turn around?" Sungmin laughed and slipped the rest of his one piece on himself.
'How cute~' Sungmin squealed on the inside.
There is definitely something ELFs should know about Kyuhyun. When he's inside the dorms it's like he had a 360 degree turn on his personality. Sungmin just can't get enough.
"Y-You called me hyung...I'm gonna go to sleep now." Kyuhyun uncovered his face and slowly made his way to his bed.
"Why are you so shy around me? Huh?" Sungmin teased raising his eyebrows.
Kyuhyun started to sweat and he could not look his hyung in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. Kyuhyun shook his head and relieved himself from such thoughts.
"I don't know, I just want to go to bed." He slipped into his bed 2 feet away from Sungmin's bed.
"Hold on...uhm will you help me with my mandarin tomorrow? I'm not that good, actually I don't know one word at all..." he giggled.
"Sure whatever."
Kyuhyun stirred in his sleep as the sun from outside filled their room.
"Kyu...Kyu~ Wake up~"
"Hmm? I want to do back to sleep..." Kyuhyun mumbled cutely.
"You can't Kyuhyun-ah..." Sungmin shook him as hard as possible earning a groan from the maknae.
When Kyuhyun opened his eyes he got the best shock of his life. Sungmin was completely in his face.
"Morning~" Sungmin smiled and patted Kyuhyun's cheeks.
'oh scary hyung is scary...'
"So...can you help me?" Kyuhyun was confused.
"You said you would help me with my mandarin." Sungmin smiled hopefully.
"Yeah, okay..."
For hours they practiced their pronounciation together. Kyuhyun wondered why he didn't ask Henry or Zhoumi. Come to think of it...
"Uh hyung...why didn't you ask Henry or Zhoumi instead? I'm not that good either you know." his curiosity was building up.
"Well um that's not important right now. What's important is you teaching me what you know!" he giggled and rolled over on his belly reaching for a pillow.
"Okay then...let's start."
"asdfghjketgyheywy" Kyuhyun sung a full line from their new song called 'Perfection' but Sungmin could not follow along, he was too mesmerized by his voice.
"huh? I'm lost...hehehe" Sungmin scratched his neck in embarrassment.
"This is going to take longer than I thought..."
"Aww I'm never going to get it right..." Sungmin pouted and hugged his pillow tighter.
"It's okay hyung. It will take time! You'll get better I promise." Kyuhyun smiled and they continued to practice.
After the filming of Super Junior M's new music video, the guys finally get to rest on the chairs provided.
"Kyuhyun-ah!" he looked over to where the voice was coming from and found Sungmin still in his clothes made for the concept for Super Junior M. Kyuhyun thought he looked stunning.
"Yeah hyung?" Sungmin came over to him and wrapped an arm on his shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Wh-What was that f-for?" Kyuhyun blushed just a little.
"Thanking you for helping me with my mandarin." Before he could respond, Sungmin walked away giving him a wink.
'Oh no...I fell in love...'
"Okay great job you guys! Let's get ready for the group interview now." Their manager informed.
"Great, just what I needed..." Kyuhyun mumbled.
Hey people! This is just a random one-shot to help me get started again. I have my new chapters saved in my files and i will be posting them tomorrow! I don't expect this to be one of my 'good' ones. Ok! Bye~