SG1: Bounty .... and total S/C thoughts.

Feb 07, 2007 22:20

Cover letter and résumé mess is sent out. Relief!

Aaand how about I was totally worried about Bounty,

I liked it! I'm even watching it again. (Instead of writing two papers for microbiology, though, so that doesn't say much.)

Um, maybe I missed something, but why is our beloved SG-1's focus on blowing up red corn, instead of, like, ridding the galaxy of evil? I know I kind of zoned out toward the end of last week's episode, but... the Ori are still a threat, yeah? Corn - erm, kassa - is less so. I know it's addictive, but. Okay, hold on. I just looked it up on It has been suggested that the kassa is an Ori creation, yet another method of bringing people to their will, but it has been confirmed that it is a means of control by the Lucian Alliance.

Okay, fine. Blow up your corn. It helps give us a plot this week, so I suppose it's fine.

The little skip thing Vala's doing? Fabulous. Just fabulous. It's like a limping puppy out in the rain - how could Cam possibly resist? And she circles him! Precious.

You see. I should note now that I kind of had this fic idea (I know, but I actually started to write this one! In my philosophy class, because as much as I love his French self, even Massie can't save two hours of modern PHL.) that surrounds this episode. As in, it's more snippets - vignettes? - which go before and after. Because omg! Sam and Cam! Somehow, Farscape has made me believe they'd be amazing even more. I'm not sure how that logic works. Oh, but yes, I digress. So, at first, I thought this whole scene with Vala in the beginning would put a damper on my before vignette, but now I think not! I totally think it's perfect now.


(And I don't really know why I felt I needed to note that. Damn.)

Oh. The science conference Sam and Bill went to? That deserves ficlets of its own. The white guy with the 'fro needs to be involved. And how exactly did the girl in green make it there? Is she a science project?

Sam's face is priceless when Bill turns to flirt from across the... well, the five to ten feet. Whatever. It's like she's watching a bizarre nature programme on Animal Planet. Oh, hey, Katie has that green girl's shirt in blue.

I really don't think Sam would do well with another scientist. At all.

Aaand Cam's family totally reminds me of my cousins'. And Aunt Karen's is just a bit less red, but very similar scenery with the fields, etc.

"Well, I mean, at first it was just sex, sex, sex in all rooms of the house at all times of the day, but, well, once we got a chance to get to know one another, we formed a deeper connection. A spiritual bond, you might say."

I can't tell if Cam's dad is thinking, You dirty, dirty dog, in that positive way men have of thinking in regards to other men and their thriving sex lives. Ooor if he's telling him silently, "WTF, she has a neon green BOW in her hair. What. The. Hell. Son? She's an upright poodle!"

All I have to say about Daniel and his research and that book-popper is how the hell didn't he notice the ring-weapon thing? I mean, they've seen that at least twice now! And it's never good! Those glasses are apparently just for pretty, Daniel. She's, like, flashing it at you!

Okay, and now for the super-Cam & Sam-centric reading of this episode, because... well, that's the mood I'm in. Just thought I'd give warning.

The "spare room is made up" scene was adorable. And I think played very well by both CB and BB. "...What?" So cute. And I really wonder what Cam's mum would think of Sam after experiencing Vala.

Mk, so Amy.

I knew there'd be the trollop of the week Cam was meant to be eyeing and such, but upon finish of the episode I found her tolerable, if rather flat and boring. Not really a trollop, to be fair. Respectable. Small-townish. "Wholesome." I know she's supposed to be his "one that got away," but... I don't think he'd really be happy with someone like that now.

(Break for: "I'm not really the most impulsive person - as flattering as your offer is, I'm going to have to say no." Um, Daniel... so you only marry and sleep with strangers off-world? Ok. Gotcha. But I love that she got hit by a bus. Seriously. I cracked up. Totally didn't see it coming - and clearly neither did she.)

Okay, so he totally fell over his chair when she walked up and got all bashful and blushy and ridiculous, but I've done that around old crushes/flames, as well. Instinct. Especially for those with whom nothing ever happened, so there's still all the idealized versions and possibilities blown out of proportion.

And at the end, I know he kind of invited her to come and visit him in Colorado, but... I don't know. He's surrounded by these huge personalities now - these amazing people, doing these amazing things. I know there's the argument one just wants some normalcy at home, but would someone like Ms. Amy V really measure up? I think not.

(Haha! The cell phone not working out there really made me smile. That's totally how my area is. Visitors always lament they have to head out into our front garden to get even a tiny signal, which usually means you can't hear four out of five words and everything dies within a minute. And if it doesn't die, the cows bellowing at you tends to overpower the conversation. Oh, fabulous.)

Admittedly, the following falls in line with the little vignettes I had in mind surrounding this ep, but humour me. The scene where Vala, Cam's friend (whose name I haven't yet bothered to pick up, but maybe Darrell?), and Cam are shootin gout in the field. When Vala's questioning them about Amy. There's just this look on her face like she's got Cam in a potentially tight spot. Very pleased with herself. And his expression, in my shippy little head, reads, "You've got nothing. Don't even go there." And then she does that sweet "innocent" smile and slight bob of her head and he just looks a bit worried. I think there's totally a silent bit of power play there.

And of course I read into the fact that the next scene is Sam's - as if it's not just a scene change. Heh.
(I love her skirt. Which reminds me... I need business clothes. And money for them.)

Anyways. So, yes. And when they're at the reunion, listening to their Journey and sitting in the red flashing lights, Vala's plotting Cam's untimely death and Cam's going over a conversation he had with Sam the other morning (in my head, yes, shut up) and the possibilities with Amy Vanderwhatever and the pros and cons with Sam and this and that.

"Now that we're older and hopefully wiser," says Ms. Amy, "we can say what we feel." Um, shut up. You haven't been in contact with him since 1987 or something and you barely spoke to each other then. And now you're going to tell him how you really feel. Maybe you are a trollop, sweetie. "If you don't want to do this..." Um, do what? She jumps to conclusions. Forget what I said about her being tolerable and decent. Upon a second viewing, she's a little irritating and pitiful.

During the climax, Sam's "hello" is adorable. And, while small, really shows her humour these days. And Daniel... just adorable, and I'm not even a huge Daniel lover. The wave, the smile!

So, the end. I know it was meant for humour and all, but Cam's "Go wait in the car!" totally didn't translate well. The tone was off, too harsh, and didn't even really match his expression. But I did love Vala's "Move it!" in response.

Why does Cam's family have hay bales? I saw no indication they have animals - especially since his dad's handicapped. Or maybe they let someone else use their land? That's fairly common. Still. It's just too convenient for the pair to be leaning on there. Also... they're not all that comfortable to be leaning on in bare skin.

"It's a job. Has to be done." Um, c'mon. Where's Mr. We Have the Greatest Job EVER??

Mk. Now, my favourite part. (Except for the kiss, but whatever. I totally wouldn't kiss someone like that while my parents are waiting to say goodbye to me.) The honking! (With her foot??) And that face Vala's wearing. Priceless. And so totally "Get your dick back in your pants, moron, before you get yourself in more trouble than you're already in." And the turn away thing. Perfect.

The whole "take a little trip" thing. I dunno. That throws a hitch into my evil plans. Especially the way she's all smiley and hopeful when she says "maybe." Which is where...

"She's a nice girl. I like her."

"Nice. She's a cure for insomnia."

... comes into play. The rest of that conversation is totally going to be another vignette, because it just must be done. And I think Vala totally pressed him about things, because she's a presser. And they had a ways to travel.

Ultimately, I tend to think of Cam as a hopeless romantic, looking for The One, so he can marry and stay that way until death, all happy and warm like his parents. And I think he's willing to explore any avenue that will get him there, whether that's some alien scientist chick (um, no) or Ms. Kansas. Buuut he just needs to head back to the SGC.

So, all that was pretty useless, but it killed some time. And now I think I'll just go to bed, because writing about microbiology just doesn't sound enticing. At all. (Of course, it won't tomorrow at 6am, either, but at least that's not now.)
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