Turbulence Yoochun/Junsu; PG; Romance The plane ride to Prague is just like all the other plane rides they've had before. For keight_michelle. ♥ Thank you applesu for the prompt!
this was a gorgeous read. i love how everything is very peaceful yet there's still some sort of angst that accompanies. the ending is just lovely and promises a lot of hope for yoosu :D GJ bb♥
OMG This is incredibly beautiful!! I can't put in words just how beautiful it is. You're such a great writer, give me a quarter of your skills lol. Thanx a lot for sharing it!!!
oh wow =] i love the way you described they felt...and the ending touched me. i like the way you said Junsu viewed Yoochun as a normal shy guy rather than the invincible celebrity that some make him out to be. It's nice to think that way =D
It's beautiful. Even the way you describe their tiredness and homesickness is beautiful :D Prague is the right city for Yoosu :D or any member of DBSK, since it's the only place where I could stalk them
Your description of Prague made me think that I was right there. It would, even if I didn't know Prague.
I know this place by Vltava that would totally fit the setting XD
I live about 60 km away from Prague. I'll most probably live there in two year's time, my sister lives there and I visit it quite often, though :D Most Czech people don't see the beauty in it, but I still do, no matter how many times I visit :D
Comments 42
Thanx a lot for sharing it!!!
*saves in memory*
Your description of Prague made me think that I was right there. It would, even if I didn't know Prague.
I know this place by Vltava that would totally fit the setting XD
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