i'm thinking of waking a short ow shower with the disc, because i still don't fucking get it. The lyrics are insipid, the music uninspired....i dunno. maybe I'm still angry about "Maladroit"
i'm sorry, but waking a shower (with a disc even) is a fulfilling activity and should not be treated lightly. Additionally, in case you were wondering, making a shower is an even more indulgent activity that requires magician-like qualities and a penchant for crystal meth.
cannot watch attached segment at work. will try at home.
Comments 5
Lighten up on yourself, Chris. This is your journal.
Scary aside: "Make Believe" is starting to grow on me. Maybe it's a grower, not a shower? That's long OH shower, not short ow shower. :o)
All righty - dude,
check this out.
I laughed my ass off.
PS: Watch ALL of the Tom Cruise segment first, otherwise the end of the Dane Cook segment will not make any sense.
Also, I think Tom Cruise is a crack addict.
cannot watch attached segment at work. will try at home.
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