(no subject)

Jan 29, 2009 21:21

Since everyone else is chiming in - my reaction to the new Being Human.

Hate it, mostly. OK, yes, they've turned the slash factor UP (and I didn't even think that was possible - and was I imagining it, or are they coding George as bi? "you lost your lover", "you hardly ever get interested in people"), and I tried *really* hard to keep an open mind - watch it as though I'd never seen the original. But, yeah, no. New!Mitchell is a hottie, but they cut out almost all the things I really liked about it. And the bits they added... gah. I much preferred Annie's death being a mystery, and George not being a *complete* wally. The cop being the bad guy is just lazy, and they lifted George's backstory pretty much directly from American Werewolf in London.

I'll go on watching it - it is the Tovey, after all - but it's lost that special spark the original had. Oh, well.