Title: Moving Targets and Flying Colors
Fandom: TVXQ
Pairing: Yunho/Changmin
Rating: G
Word Count: 385
Summary: Yunho is competitive and Changmin just wants to go home.
this drabble challenge.
::Outside, 385 words::
“Hyung, aren’t you getting tired yet?”
“We’ve only been our here for an hour and a half, Changmin.”
It was the day of SM Entertainment’s annual paintball game, a somewhat ridiculous tradition that was both feared and revered by the artists, but in the end they all turned out as filthy and wrung out as dishrags.
They had long been allocated into small groups, but their other teammates had been abandoned as soon as the two of them found a bush of considerable size behind which to station themselves. Within thirty-two minutes Changmin had enjoyed a short powernap, and Yunho had succeeded in picking off a quarter of Super Junior, SHINee’s slower runners, a couple of those EXO kids and a third of Girls’ Generation. Well, a few of those hit may have been victims of friendly fire, but again, Yunho had stopped differentiating between who was and wasn’t “friendly” ages ago.
Now, however, TVXQ’s fearless leader was perched on the ninth lowest branch of a tree Changmin had no intention of touching.
Yunho called down to him, strategically quiet.
“Are you coming up, or what?”
“Hyung, why couldn’t we have stayed hidden? We were doing perfectly fine back there.”
Yunho held a hand over his eyes and scanned the scenery for his next mark. “We can’t win if we camp the whole time, Changmin… Look, there’s Victoria, she’s… Hm… factor in where the others are probably positioned… probably has Amber hanging back and Sulli where… Obviously they’ve been hiding out… We could try flanking, but…”
He continued to mutter to himself until Changmin called back up, his neck tired from staring up at the tree.
“Who says we have to win?” Changmin asked, like he did every year, and again like every year, he received a smooth answer.
“Changmin, you’re right. It’s not about winning…”
Yunho stepped down a few branches and swung down, landing on his feet with a soft thud and wiping his hands on his dark pants.
“…It’s about complete and total domination.”
And with that he started walking, deeper into the woods with his safety clicked off and his knees bent low.
Then Changmin sighed and followed close behind, because he was dirty and exhausted yet still completely willing to follow his captain any which way he wished to go.
Gasp Homin. What. What's happening.
No but really thank you for reading these author's notes are getting more and more ridiculous I'm sorry but I also love you so bwahaha