Title: Sincerely, Ren Fandom: NU'EST Pairing: JR/Ren Rating: PG Word Count: 4447 Summary: After unexpected events, Ren finds himself writing to an old friend...
Honestly... I'm a bit afraid to use/ search on AFF because it's a little disorganized and you're right, a lot of the content isn't very good >< forgive me AFF users... I like LJ a lot more lol. Thank you so much for reading and commenting ^^ I'm glad you liked it
So I actually made a livejournal account just to comment on this story... XD I'm an AFF person and I honestly didn't know Nu'est fics existed outside of AFF until now. Someone on tumblr linked this story recommending it. So I opened and I was like "what is is this exotic website I have never been in?" So then I read this story and holy crap this was good. Like midway through when Ren realized he was writing in the present tense it all hit me like a million knives. ;_;
So now I must go an discover this new place that is LiveJournal. Honestly Nu'est fics on AFF do suck ass and it's rare to find a fic as good as yours out in that place. Excuse me while I go discover LiveJournal now~
Comments 14
this was nicely written, and i'm kind of sucker for angsty fics or those with sad endings....loved it...
keep them coming ^^
Thank you so much for reading and commenting ^^ I'm glad you liked it
I'm an AFF person and I honestly didn't know Nu'est fics existed outside of AFF until now.
Someone on tumblr linked this story recommending it. So I opened and I was like "what is is this exotic website I have never been in?" So then I read this story and holy crap this was good.
Like midway through when Ren realized he was writing in the present tense it all hit me like a million knives. ;_;
So now I must go an discover this new place that is LiveJournal. Honestly Nu'est fics on AFF do suck ass and it's rare to find a fic as good as yours out in that place. Excuse me while I go discover LiveJournal now~
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