Title: Second Chances (Break Ups and Bubble Tea) Fandom: SHINee Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: G Word Count: 3533 Summary: After a close defeat, Minho stumbles in for some unexpected help.
I usually don't like reading long fics and just kinda skim over them, but OMG, this one's SO well written, I just hung onto every word XD Super duper cute, and I love how you got Minho to get Jonghyun to call Taeyon! I love this!
Right, oh gosh it's so long, and just everything about my writing this OTL I was literally scrambling trying to shorten it, but then I ended up finishing and posting at like 4AM hoping for the best XD Thank you for reading, and thank you for the support ^^
Comments 3
I usually don't like reading long fics and just kinda skim over them, but OMG, this one's SO well written, I just hung onto every word XD Super duper cute, and I love how you got Minho to get Jonghyun to call Taeyon! I love this!
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