Title: Wet
mint-whispersLength: oneshot
Summary: Sehun hates rainy mornings but someone sparks his attention.
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Genre: Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Sehun hated the rain. It wasn’t even because it seemed to make the day drearier, because he was impartial to that. He hated the way it soaked through his clothes, leaving him feeling thoroughly damp. Ironically, it made him feel drab and sticky, dirty even.
So when Sehun glanced out the window, schoolbag and umbrella in-hand, and saw the water droplets streaking their patterning paths down the window and the skies grey and overcast, it instantly killed his mood.
He made his way out of his apartment swiftly, and gingerly avoided the ever-growing puddles that seemed to incessantly scatter themselves across the pathway to his bus stop.
While waiting for the bus, he contemplated pulling out his phone, and killing time by playing his Pacman minigame, but just then as if to spite him, the wind blew teasingly and Sehun sighed, knowing that if he brought his phone out into rain right now, it would most likely end negatively. Instead, he stood there solemnly, watching the lucky people in cars go by.
The rain also made the busses run off schedule, so when the bus rolled up to the stop Sehun was at, the frown on his face was quite apparent. It also didn’t help that the large tires has splashed him either while bringing the bus to a stop.
Sehun filed up the steps and onto the bus even more gingerly than before. He flashed his student monthly pass and looked to find a seat. There were none free save one beside a fat old lady that appeared to be quite grumpy with a cold. Sehun raised his eyes at her momentarily and held on to the pole for balance.
He looked distastefully at the wet dirty floor that was slowly sloshing water back and forth. He was wearing new shoes, and he wasn’t ready for them to be dirtied just yet.
After adjusting his baseball cap tighter on his head, Sehun put his earphones into his ears and attempted to use music as the means of some desperate form of distraction.
Just then at the next stop the a couple passengers got off and another came on. Another boy around his age was dressed in a teal t-shirt with a faded picture of Pikachu on it and slim jeans, and he was fairly wet. His hair dripped slowly and was spiked in this sort of wind-blown wet form of disarray. Sehun recognized him from his first period class today. Luhan.
He appeared to look vulnerable, and a little bit chilled, but the boy smiled contently and said good morning to the driver. Studying him absentmindedly, Sehun forgot it was rude to stare. Luckily the boy was too oblivious to notice. He saw the boy run his hands through his hair a couple times, brushing it out of his face. Sehun decided he liked it better when the boy’s hair was up.
The rain had caused a slight blush to flush across the boy’s face, and the boy brought his hands up to his cheeks, as if to warm them with his palms. The thing that intrigued Sehun the most about the boy however were his eyes. The boy had large eyes, and the way he looked around innocently and everything almost made him seem adorable.
Sehun had a sudden urge to talk to this boy, and to befriend him, yet he hadn’t the faintest idea of what to say.
Eventually the stop closest to their school arrived and Sehun stepped quickly in order to get closer to the boy. He open up his umbrella, put away his earphones, and tapped on the boy’s slender shoulder.
The boy turned around, widening his eyes and pursing his lips inquisitively. Sehun ignored the sudden thought of what he wanted to do to those lips.
“Luhan right?” he managed to say.
“Yep! And you’re...”
‘Sehun.” He didn’t expect the boy to know his name, he was quiet, and didn’t speak up in class often.
“Cool,” Luhan offered, smiling, running his hand through his hair again.
Again Sehun looked away from his lips. “I have an umbrella, and we’re going the same place, I figured you might want to use it too?” He was sure he sounded stupid, but the smile and laughter that Luhan gave off after was totally worth it.
“That is so nice of you. Thanks.”
And as Luhan started off the conversation, babbling away about some silly project they had, and how they should totally be partners, Sehun held the umbrella above them tightly and decided that rain wasn’t half that bad.
A/N: I hate rain too.