Title: Haze of Emotions Author: mint-whispers Summary: Jaejoong and Yunho live together, and Jaejoong is slowly drifting away from Yunho day by day. Rating: PG-13 Genre: Tragedy Warnings: character death, multiple drug use, implied sex ( Read more... )
And you say I write twisted and depressing stories?! That ending... I was reminded of your IES. :) So many parts I'd swear was bordering on smut, but... no. Gah! Someday, you'll do it, right? We've got that list to help... ;) Heh, how ironic that Yunho killed Jaejoong... I like it :P
that was so depressing. jae accidentally getting killed by yunho himself? D: but then again, he was already killing himself beforehand with all those drugs.
Comments 18
So many parts I'd swear was bordering on smut, but... no. Gah! Someday, you'll do it, right? We've got that list to help... ;)
Heh, how ironic that Yunho killed Jaejoong... I like it :P
k you know you do, theres no denial now girl. You described a guy's rotting leg for like 3 pages.
LOL true okay. HA NO IM NOT READY FOR SEX WRITINGS. actually I totally am and its frightening me
Someday. yes the list. maybe a collab? :)
hehehehe irony
jae accidentally getting killed by yunho himself? D:
but then again, he was already killing himself beforehand with all those drugs.
Yeah that plot twist, I felt it quite necessary.
Poor Jaejoong :(
Thank you for reading!
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