Tutorial: How to get rounded corners

Aug 30, 2011 17:09

This tutorial is about how you can get the effect of rounded corners like I did in this banner.

Well, it's something very very easy to make. I've seen some texture sets with the one we need,
but you can make it by yourself, just look the size that you need to work with it
(to make icons, banners, headers...).

#1: We go from this icon

so you need to create a new file (File->New) with 100x100 size and the background will be white #FFFFFF
(you can use a different color if that's what you need).

#2: Okay, now we select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (I hope that this should be the correct name,
my photoshop is in Spanish so I googled it!) with the black color #000000.And make it as a new layer with the size that you want.
Then Merge Visible.

#3:Add it to your icon, set it to Lighten and it's done!

NOTE: you can use the Rounded Rectangle Tool with white #FFFFFF, in that case you need to set it to Multiply.


NOTE 2: To make the icon with transparent corners like this:

Once you have Merged Visible, select the white area with the Magic Tool

then Edit->Cut and it's done!

#1: Vamos a partir de este icono

necesitas crear un nuevo archico (Archivo->Nuevo) con tamaño 100x100 y el fondo será de color blanco #FFFFFF
(puedes usar un color diferente si eso es lo que necesitas).

#2: Vale, ahora seleccionamos la Herramienta Rectángulo Redondeado con color negro #000000.
Y hacemos el rectángulo como una capa más y del tamaño que se necesite.
Combinamos visibles.

#3:La añadimos al icono, le damos propiedad Aclarar ¡y está hecho!

NOTA: puedes usar la Herramienta Rectángulo Redondeado con blanco #FFFFFF, en ese caso le darás propiedad Multiplicar.


NOTA 2: Para hacer el icono con las esquinas transparentes, así:

Una vez hayas combinado visibles, selecciona el área blanca con la Varita Mágica

luego Editar->Cortar y ¡listo!

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