I've seen GANTZ

May 01, 2011 09:57

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fanreport, arashi, gantz, nino

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Comments 35

shelketuesti May 1 2011, 16:13:37 UTC
Hi dear!

(I could write in German as well, just that I think it's strange for other people reading this XD - I am Sojiro from the forum, btw)

Thank you for your report, I was dying to hear about the Q&A corner. Interesting that even the production costs were revealed. I am suprised they are that low, seeing that most of the explosions in the movie are REAL.

(Are real explosions cheaper than CG?)

Looking forward to the videos ^__^
Thank you for your time =D

(By the way, do you mind if I add you? =D)


mintceres May 1 2011, 16:18:13 UTC
I'm glad that people enjoy my report.
But I'm sure I forgot a lot what was said yesterday XD

It seems like I wont be able to upload that stuff today because the cable which I need is in my brother's room (it also his camera I used). He's currently not here and will only come back tomorrow *grrrrrrr*

I don't know which is cheaper... but I think I could distinguish between the 'real' explosions and the CG ones..

Honestly I was a bit taken aback that one person asked for the budget. I think this is not something that you should casually ask from a producer :/ but maybe that's just me.

you can ad me if you like :) you want to be added back? ^^


purasuti May 1 2011, 16:25:03 UTC
I came yesterday, but since I'm not a German & not a Japanese either I only understand small part of the Q&A
thanks so much for this!!! ^^v


mintceres May 1 2011, 16:29:15 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed reading this part!

I hope I can remember some more of the questions and answeres that were given :)


purasuti May 1 2011, 17:40:12 UTC
I hope you wouldn't mind if I link back your report to my LJ.


mintceres May 1 2011, 17:42:17 UTC
Please link back :) that's totally okay as long as you don't repost it :)


abtomat May 1 2011, 17:00:55 UTC
thanks for sharing! this was just part one right? you're so lucky they did it in sub!! i wish the american release had sub too!


mintceres May 1 2011, 17:20:51 UTC
Yes, it was only the first part.

but they showed us the trailer for 'gantz: Perfect Answer' after the ending credits. :)


livingdelirious May 3 2011, 00:47:27 UTC
I so agree!!! The dubbing was terrible and I'm thinking, how many people are here to listen to darling Nino?? So jealous of subs


kanaala May 1 2011, 17:44:34 UTC
Oh wow, du bist sogar noch zur Spätvorstellung gegangen? Ich war nur bei der um 16:45 bzw später xD
War die Spätvorstellung auch so restlos voll gewesen?
Achja, und interessant hier auch Leute zu treffen, die auch in Frankfurt studieren ;-)


mintceres May 1 2011, 17:46:51 UTC
klar^^ wenn schon gantz dann kann ich mir auch beide vorstellungen ansehen :P

das kino war recht klein und bis auf ein, zwei plätze war alles voll. waren lt 50 leute oder so.

ui, auch ein goethe-studi?^^ was studierst du denn schönes?


kanaala May 1 2011, 18:11:35 UTC
na gut stimmt auch wieder XD aber ich hatte mir schon zweimal GANTZ mit der schrecklichen englischen Synchro angesehen XD und ich glaub noch zweimal (auch noch am selben Tag) wäre dann doch irgendwann langweilig geworden :D

ach so klein oO na dann muss es natürlich voll sein^^. Aber solange dort dann nicht so gequetscht wurde vor dem Film wie bei der Nachmittagsvorstellung...

Ja^^. Ich studiere Japanologie und du?


mintceres May 1 2011, 18:19:12 UTC
ich hab mir gantz extra aufgehoben XD

hab den englischen film nich gesehen, weil ich dachte er käm hier in D in die kinos. dann kam er nich udn ich war enttäuscht, dann kam die neuigkeit, dass gantz auf der animagic laufen wird. hab mir natürlich shcon ein ticket gekauft uuuuund dann kam raus dass er in ffm laufen wird. blöd gelauefn aber was will man machen XD

ich fand drinnen gings mit dem quetschen XD so bald man nen platz hatte. nur durft ich die hälfte des film schräg gucken weil vor mir einer saß und seine frisur die ganze zeit die subs verdeckt hatte. voll nervig -.-

bei zweiten gucken hab cih auch bei manchen szenen die äuglein zu gemacht XD weil ich so müde war... xD war dann beim q&a aber wieder wach.^^

ich bin eine pharmazeutin^^ (auch genannt: DoM)


shokim May 1 2011, 18:52:08 UTC
Very interesting Q&A! Definitely better than some in film festivals I had attended in the past...

Knew some of the facts already from having read about them, but nice to hear it directly from Director Sato-san himself. ^_^

Thanks for making it so detailed, I appreciated it~ XD

PS. The director has a cameo role in Perfect Answer, according to Into the G II DVD! His first ever acting role!


mintceres May 1 2011, 18:56:24 UTC
oh really? that sounds great. if we knew we could have asked him about that XD

Glad that you liked my little summary :)

if I remember something else, I'll definitly add it to that list!

thank you for reading~


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