More star pics.

Feb 02, 2010 09:01

These are the best of the bunch - full size, can behind a cut to save yr bandwidth.

The whole sweep of the southern sky. Orion , Taurus and the Pleiades included.

Take the line fo the three stars of Orion's belt, and you can trace it own to Sirius, the Dog star . this is the brightest star in the sky - only the moon and Venus are brighter in the night sky. Go back up to the belt, and you will trace it up to Aldaberan , the brightest star in Taurus- it sits on top of a dim V shaped group. Go through Taurus till you get to a small faint cluster. That is the Pleiades, also named the Seven Sisters.
These are named after the seven daugthers of Atlas who kept the sacred apples of heperus.
It is also the name given to the seven stars that make up the Plough, as well as a pub in Islington and the nearby Tube station.

The Plieades

An open cluster of stars.
Under higher mag , you see the slight blur - i need a German Equatorial Mount next!

astro photoes.

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