Meme yanked from Tomoyo. "Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you. "
Haruhi- This would be Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, right? I adore Haruhi- her confidence, her determination, her many talents, and, above all, her unabashed weirdness. I used to have my hair exactly like hers, complete with ribbon headband, but I'm growing it out so it'll be long enough to put up in a bun. I also tried to form a S.O.S brigade at my old school, but I couldn't find anyone mysterious enough to join!
Lillie- Lillie is one of my favorite characters from Princess Tutu. Everything she does is unbearably funny. She's just so... so... Lillie-ish! ILU LILLIE-CHAN. ^_^
Melody- At first I thought "How does this word relate to me?" Then I remembered that my journal was called A Minty Melody. Two of my favorite series also have the word melody in their titles: Onegai My Melody and Mermaid Melody PichiPichiPitch. In addition, I love to sing!
Tildes~ Do I really use them that much? I'm not sure... I'll have to check. Tildes, in my opinion, are like hyphens, only cuter. If hyphens were lions, the tilde would be a little kitten wearing a hat! I sign allll my PMs with "~Minty".
Angst- ... I suppose this one is because I like angsty characters, like Rue? For some reason, I love to make my characters angst when I'm roleplaying. My favorite-ever Poly curse is "No Rest for the Wicked" just because it offers so many opportunities for angst. Come Grab Bag Day, (after I figure out which chara to app, of course)I am so snagging that one. My second-favorite Poly Curse would have to be... ah, what's it called when all the character's old wounds reopen? Something with old friends, or memories, or some variation on that theme.
Anyway, I don't angst that much myself- although when I do angst, I angst like crazy.
Is "angst" supposed to be used as a verb, come to think of it? Now I'll have to look that up.
Anyway, I've become convinced that if I don't join Polychromatic soon I'll absolutely diiieeee. And I don't mean City!dead. ^_^ The problem is, I can't figure out which character to app. So far I'm thinking of:
Adriane (Circle of Magic)
Wren (Wren to the Rescue)
Rina (Mermaid Melody)
Rukia (Bleach)
Haruhi (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
This list will probably only grow and grow, but I'm hoping to narrow it down a little. The app process is really scary-seeming, though... to fill out such a long application with pages and pages of text, and then have it scathingly evaluated... but I won't give up, no matter what! Right now I'm leaning towards Adriane, I think , but earlier this morning I was absolutely mad about Haruhi. Come on, Mint, decide and get it over with! *facepalms*