mememememem meme means boob in turkish :D

Dec 19, 2010 11:38

Is there someone in your life you know you'd be better off without?
→ A lot of people. But I’m good with some people in my life, so that evens it out.

Do you get criticized because of your body?
→ Yes. Apparently I lost too much weight recently, and members of my family, particularly of the female variety, are calling me out on it.

How much did you weigh when you were born?
→ I was born early, so around 3kg?

Did you kiss the last person you called?
→ Actually, yes. My mom. Not on the mouth, obviously. The one person I’d like to kiss on the mouth isn’t a habitual caller.

When was the last time you danced?
→ Yesterday. I dance about everyday at around 8 while listening to music.

When was the last time you jumped on a trampoline?
→ I’ve never. . . :D

Do you keep in mind other people's feelings?
→ No. I basically can’t. My EQ is way too low and I’m too socially undereducated for me to even comprehend how other people are feeling most of the time.
Are any of your friends pregnant?
→ Nah.
If you have a hang nail, do you pull it or clip it?
→ Clipping is the best option. Otherwise I eat it!

Who do you want to forget?
→ Nobody. You learn from people you hated. You can even miss them.

Who was the last person to send you a letter?
→ A clothing shop.

How much money is in your wallet?
→ I have no idea. Probably around 20 lira.
When's the last time you did laundry?
→ Yesterday.

How far have you gotten with the book you are reading?
→ AH! I read it during a bus ride and that was it. Shit. And I’m supposed to turn it in or extend it today.

Who did you last tell to shut up?
→ That someone who made a super shitty joke.

What's the last thing that you smelt that smelt bad?
→ ...shit. :D

Who were you with last night?
→ Parents. After a long-winded talk with my mom I fell asleep on the couch. On her hip. With a couch pillow under my head.

What's your favorite book at the moment?
→ I’m not even reading non-school books right now, so I can tell you what’s not my favorite book at the moment. It’s a huge, boring textbook on Information Management.

What's your favorite cereal?
→ Chocolate Nesfits.

How do you feel when people lead you on, but they don't even like you?
→ That hasn’t happened yet. Mostly I’m too dumb to read such signs unless I’m attracted and therefore looking for them.

Could you live without sunlight?
→ I don’t enjoy being in the sunlight; I’m allergic to it. Still, I don’t think humans are built that way. So no.

What's something you know is bad, but you want to do it anyway?
→ Love.

What was the last thing you lied about?
→ This dumbass project.

Who is your number two on speed dial?
→ I don’t have speed dial.

Do you regret anything you've done in the past week?
→ Skipping the entirety of my classes to play WoW after the Cataclysm launch instead. But then again I suppose it’s fine.

What was the last movie you bought?
→ Bought?!

What color is your underwear?
→ Currently? Black and white. I wore my training bra and panties because they’re comfortable as fuck. Next time I go to gym I’m going to complain about them being in the washer.
What type of underwear are you wearing?
→ Sports stuff.

What is a sport you would like to do?
→ I want to get back to riding again. :(

When was the last time you felt like crying?
→ The other day.

Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
→ Yes; in high-school I had this fantasy of crushing this girl’s skull against the floor until it exploded in a mass of brain goo. Now though… no.

What was the last song you listened to that wasn't sung in English?
→ Ummm… I try not to listen to Turkish songs. They’re usually fucking horrible. But they come up. Also, I get some German songs coming up on my playlist occasionally, along with Ill Nino. Pretty good, those.

What did you last draw?
→ Ana I think.

What TV show would you like to be on?
→ Rome? Please? :D

If you could choose a Pokemon, who would you pick?
→ I want a Charmander.

Is Chuck Norris really as great as he seems?
→ Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Coming from a WoW player the Chuck Norris meme is just so bad. So bad. TERRIBAD.

What was the last video game you played?
→ WoW. Raided. Killed boss. Good.

Have you ever been in a musical?
→ I have... =D

Do you follow your own style or everyone else's?
→ What is this style you speak of? Seriously, I haven’t paid attention to what I’m wearing or how much makeup I’ve been putting on for uh... years now. Especially in the last two years (broke up with ex, avoided his social circle) I just don’t give two shits about what people would think about what I’m wearing. Of course I wear dresses and make myself up all pretty for work but otherwise I’m a hippie stoner, my coworker thinks I’m ‘different’. Not to say she judges it-but even if she did, who gives a shit?

What's the last store you bought from?
→ University campus store. The other store I’m like a 5 minute walk away from is too far awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Who is your true best friend?
→ My computer, obviously. Oh, Hayate, I want to make delicious chip love to you.

Do people use you a lot?
→ Nope. In addition to generally being perceived as distant and hard to reach, I refuse to do things for people, and I vocalize this. “I’m not going to do that.” Usually people are stunned and don’t ask me this ever again because in Turkish culture you’re expected to say yes to, well, anything people ask of you.

What are you doing two days from now?
→ That’s... Tuesday, so I’ll probably be farting on my presentation on Thursday, after having finished my paper.

Are there any teachers at your school that dislike you?
→ I’m 110% sure. Coming from IB and going to the university I am now befuddled me a bit (it still does) because the people there really, really, really don’t have the academic culture I’m used to. I find the methods of various academics there to be entirely unprofessional, and I have vocalized this on occasion. I have no problem and I haven’t disrespected the actually decent academics in my major, but I have publically spoken against others in classes and whatnot. Let me introduce you to those, there’s two of them. One lectures simple accounting classes and the other lectures bullshit HR classes. They’re sisters. There are rumors about both of them having taken thesis papers from their students and inserted them word for word into books they sell, with their own names on top of it, of course. It’s true, too. They know I know, and that I’ll blab, and that it will do nothing since I am insignificant-but they honestly don’t like me. I don’t like them, either, and I haven’t taken any classes from them after I found out. I’d rather nobody does thesis papers with them as counselors either, but they give easy grades, so people flock to that. Honestly? I want them to die in a fucking fire, because that kind of behavior and the mentality that you can get away with that shit is exactly what is keeping education and science behind in this country and exactly fucking why I’m doing my best to get the fuck out as soon as fucking possible. There’s no doubt in my mind that those plagiarist cunts got their degrees by sucking the cocks of equally corrupt individuals rather than academic success. IDEK maybe I’m living in a dream world still but there’s supposed to be at least some form of academic integrity. Cunts. You’re supposed to be scientists. Instead, you’re whores.

What turns you on?
→ Hmmmm… after my rant in the previous question this is quite difficult to answer! But, really, what gets me hot and bothered can really be anything, so long as I’m attracted. It’s those really simple things people do. I can get turned on by someone reading a book, it really doesn’t matter. But what really makes me gush is a wide, naked back. On dudes, fuck it, I fucking hate women with wide backs.

Did you ever believe there were monsters in your closet?
→ Nope. But I used to have this doll that had fucking creepy eyes, they glowed in the dark and shit, and my mother would set it on my fucking desk all the time, and I couldn’t sleep with that there ever.

Do you let random people sign your yearbook?
→ What. That’s not a custom here.

Would you adopt a child that had a mental illness?
→ No. I am neither a charity nor responsible for other people’s mistakes. Don’t frown at this. If I was pregnant with a child that was diagnosed with a mental illness I would abort it without a tear in my eye, because that would be for the better in my honest opinion. There’s too much evil in the world to start life with a gross disadvantage.

Does thinking about death scare you?
→ Not really. If it comes, it comes, I don’t care. I just want to be able to leave something behind first.

If you died, would you go to Heaven or Hell?
→ I don’t believe in either of those. At best I think I’ll be floating in some dark space where my soul can amuse itself by farting forever for all eternity.

Do you lick envelopes or tape them shut?
→ I don’t do envelopes and the envelopes we send at work come with the tape, so…

Do you care what people say or think about you?

Have you ever had surgery?
→ Nope!

Have you ever been threatened?
→ Not really. Maybe I’m too dumb to notice threats? And high school doesn’t count.

Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?
→ My dad’s. And seriously, fuck that. Why did I have to get dad’s eyebrows? I mean, I know my mother doesn’t, like, have ANY (she’s blonde), and my dad has this habit where he rips his eyebrows off but GODDAMN I don’t like my so very dark eyebrows. They’re a fucking pain in the ass. When my grandmother’s family (dad’s side, ofc) took up a surname when surnames were implemented the surname they took translated into “Blackbrow”, even, so let that give you an idea. But then again, I’ve got long eyelashes whereas my mother has none. And my mother’s skin ages super quickly. I love you, mom, but I hope I didn’t get that...

What was the last thing you drank?
→ ... 9 hour old coke. Would be a waste to spill it, you know!

Have you ever kept a relationship a secret?
→ Yeah, to some.

How much do you weigh?
→ 53kg.

How much do you want to weigh?
→ This is perfectly adequate.

Who's the last person you called a creeper?
→ People who take themselves too seriously on the internet.

What street do you live on?
→ ‘Formula 1 Road.’ If I follow the street to its end I reach the Istanbul F1 race track. It’s pretty neat. During races you can hear cars whizzing by. If you try!

What is a quote that you love?
→ “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Hawking. Always gets me through hard times. (I’m a Taurus, I don’t like change. Also note how I made an oxymoron out of myself by quoting Hawking and then being an astrology-believing derpatron.)

Do you think of pure hate as human created?
→ Indeed. Hate in the sense of continued hate (plotting, etc) has got to be a sentient, intelligent emotion. What animals feel is momentary fury. The closest I can think of is a crow hating the cat that murdered its child, but that’s instinct to me. Humans, on the other hand, can hate other humans at random with no reason at all.

When was the last time you wanted to scream?
→ I don’t remember. I don’t scream when I’m frustrated. I cry.

What are your thoughts on discrimination?
→ “derp derp herpa derp I don’t discriminate and neither should you.” No, really, that’s just a topic I’m sick of. I just don’t care anymore. I will turn a blind eye to other people discriminating and I will discriminate if I fucking feel like it. That’s how sick of that topic I am. It’s always stupid shit like “Pakistani tries out for Hobbit role, cries racist when not accepted”, “Guy in fairy costume in gay parade cries for equality” and I just don’t give a shit anymore.

Would you give a million dollars to charity if you had two million?

Do you see the world in black and white?
→ Pretty much, yeah.

Do you think cell phones can cause cancer?
→ No. I think people who think cell phones can cause cancer are stupid. Everything causes cancer. You cause cancer.

Where does the rainbow end?
→ Leprechauns are silly, ugly creatures, aren’t they? It ends in their asses. Contrary to popular belief, the rainbow is a leprechaun’s fart, not a unicorn’s.

Do you believe in any religion?
→ Do I, hmm. Hmmmmm hmhmhm hmhm. I prayed to Bastet once, for safe return of my cat back to me. But I guess these gosh darn Semitic religions stole some of her believers away from her so she’s pretty weak and can’t answer prayers. I’m sorry for her. In other words, “lol no.”

How would you change world hunger?
→ I would like to fry obese people and feed them to the starving. That would help a lot of problems. COOK AMERICA.

Should church and state be joined or kept separate?
→ wat. You do realize I’d rather have all religions removed from the world in all manners imaginable? Seriously, I can’t think of a more pleasant scenario than every synagogue, church and mosque burning. I want the Vatican nuked, too. But oh-we’ll do try to reclaim the works of art there are in those museums. That statue of Augustus, man, what a waste!

What's your definition of life?
→ Shit happens and then you die, I guess. But there are fun aspects of it, too. Like farting. Yes, I’m getting bored.

Something you never want to do again is what?
→ I can’t recall a memory in which I said I would never do something again, but likely, something physically distressing. Those are the kinds of things I really don’t enjoy.

When was the first time you realized the world was small?
→ I don’t think the world is small at all.

Do you spend a lot of time contemplating life's mysteries?
→ I do indeed.

If you could create a new law, what would it be?
→ “People are banned from being stupid. The punishment for this is execution.” And then you have no more people except for the last executioner, who is likely to kill himself due to some psychological loneliness bullshit.

Are you religious?
→ pffffffffffffrtahadsjhgjsdfh who made this meme?

Ever discuss your political beliefs with people?
→ I do, but I’m losing interest in it steadily.

Do you care about the environment?
→ Yes.

Are you at all racist, sexist, ageist, or homophobic?
→ I can be racist. I’m not sexist. I’m ageist. I’m not homophobic.

What's your motto for life?
→ “herp derp”

Is progress destroying the beauty of the world?
→ Probably. But progress is neat, too. Fuck that. Capitalism is going to destroy everything anyway, no whining about it.

Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe?
→ Wouldn’t it be arrogant to think there isn’t any?

Would you like to rule a country?
→ No. Leave that to the grumpy old men with erectile dysfunction, they can boost their egos that way. I don’t give a shit.

Do you believe everything has a purpose?
→ I do.

Do you think animals have real feelings?
→ They do. What, you don’t?

Is war ever for the best?
→ If it erases religions. . .

Could you kill anyone?
→ I don’t think so.

Do you believe global warming is really our fault?
→ I don’t believe in global warming after all the Greenpeace bullshit I’ve gone through. See, it’s like this for me. Somebody whines about something so much and becomes so annoying that out of sheer annoyance at the person you start ignoring what they’re speaking about. Wrong, I know, but some people are so fucking stupid I can’t prevent it. Global warming is happening. Okay. I don’t care.

Does love conquer all?
→ I’m not that naïve.

Is euthanasia morally acceptable?
→ Yes.

Do you see the world as beautiful or corrupt?
→ It’s both. This is a very simple meme.

Is world peace impossible?
→ Indeed.

Does prison work?
→ I’m not sure it helps rehabilitate criminals or, simply make them think “oh, I did wrong, I shall not do that again”, but it does work in the manner that it keeps the flawed individuals from okay ones for a while. Of course, this is all theory, we all know the real criminals walk the streets while innocent people die of torture in prisons.

Do you trust the media?
→ lol

Is pride a good or a bad thing?
→ Pride is good. It’s essential. Only some dickheads take it too far. Don’t be a dickhead.

What is the purpose of life?
→ “Eat, shit and die.” Oh, and make some babies so they can eat shit and die, too. No, really, I don’t know. I don’t care either. I’m here either way, what can I do?

Do you believe in karma?
→ I do. It works. But then it doesn’t!

Okay, that’s enough self-amusement for today. I shall go back to my thesis.

meme, random

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