Rant + 1 Template

Jan 31, 2004 04:20

Ok...I need to rant, I'll stick it under a cut so you don't have to read if you don't want to.


Since my site is over bandwidth, I'm very grumpy lately. I know it shows how popular the site has really gotten, but still, that means all of my sites cannot be accessed until Monday and that really bothers me. Also, on a personal note, I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot. Basically, I am having so much trouble walking, I can barely get around, and that is making me feel like crap. Not being able to move about freely and attend my classes makes me feel like a big slacker even if there's nothing I can to about it.

This is the true reason for my rant though...people suck ;_; A lot of people are making templates lately. That's good. A lot of people are making templates that look almost identical to mine. That's bad. Every time I look through someone's post and there's a copycat it really really bugs me. I'm not the world's greatest artist, but I did make all those template by hand. So I just feel like someone is ripping away little pieces of my creativity. Now I'm sure some people aren't doing it on purpose. I mean, it's hard to come up with new ideas sometimes, but...if you make templates that means you've looked at other people's templates. Therefore you should have some good idea of what other people have done and you don't want to do right? So why do so many templates look like mine? Do people think I don't notice if they change two lines or a little pixel and it's the same thing only slightly different? Sorry, I'm not stupid. I'm thinking of putting up a "Naughty List". I'll put up bad people on my list. Bad people being defined as people who dn't credit for icons, template usage or just plain out copying my templates. I've been really nice about it so far, but frankly, as time progresses, I'm getting sick and tired of it all. People need to do things on their own merit.


Hmm, ok, now that that is off of my chest. Here's the one template I promised. It's actually a Neopets template. I cropped a cute little image and you can put a 50x50 picture in the tv screen. Check my previous post to see what I did with it, but I find that it's a really fun template to mess with.

¤ Rules ¤
If you're posting avatars that you've made with these templates to communites or the public ie websites, etc. You must credit. Hiding credit behind friend's only journals doesn't count. Sorry, if I can't see it, it doesn't count =p If it's for personal use it's up to you, but it's always nice to acknowledge people yes?

Lastly, if you want to help out with next month's bandwidth charges (so we don't get an attack of the little red x's again) please feel free to help out. Please ^_^

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